1 | a, an | indefinite, article | A1 | a, an |
2 | abandon | Verb | B2 | abbandono |
3 | ability | Noun | A2 | capacità |
4 | able | Adjective | A2 | capace |
5 | about | prep. Adverb | A1 | di |
6 | above | prep. Adverb | A1 | sopra |
7 | abroad | Adverb | A2 | all'estero |
8 | absolute | Adjective | B2 | assoluto |
9 | absolutely | Adverb | B1 | assolutamente |
10 | academic | adj, Noun | B1, B2 | accademico |
11 | accept | Verb | A2 | accettare |
12 | acceptable | Adjective | B2 | accettabile |
13 | access | Noun Verb | B1 | accesso |
14 | accident | Noun | A2 | incidente |
15 | accommodation | Noun | B1 | alloggio |
16 | accompany | Verb | B2 | accompagnare |
17 | according to | prep. | A2 | secondo |
18 | account | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | account |
19 | accurate | Adjective | B2 | preciso |
20 | accuse | Verb | B2 | accusare |
21 | achieve | Verb | A2 | raggiungere |
22 | achievement | Noun | B1 | realizzazione |
23 | acknowledge | Verb | B2 | riconoscere |
24 | acquire | Verb | B2 | acquisire |
25 | across | prep. Adverb | A1 | attraverso |
26 | act | Verb Noun | A2,B1 | atto |
27 | action | Noun | A1 | azione |
28 | active | Adjective | A2 | attivo |
29 | activity | Noun | A1 | attività |
30 | actor | Noun | A1 | attore |
31 | actress | Noun | A1 | attrice |
32 | actual | Adjective | B2 | effettivo |
33 | actually | Adverb | A2 | in realtà |
34 | ad | Noun | B1 | anno Domini |
35 | adapt | Verb | B2 | adattare |
36 | add | Verb | A1 | Inserisci |
37 | addition | Noun | B1 | aggiunta |
38 | additional | Adjective | B2 | addizionale |
39 | address | Noun Verb | A1,B2 | indirizzo |
40 | administration | Noun | B2 | amministrazione |
41 | admire | Verb | B1 | ammirare |
42 | admit | Verb | B1 | ammettere |
43 | adopt | Verb | B2 | adottare |
44 | adult | Noun adj | A1,A2 | adulto |
45 | Advance | Noun Verb adj | B2 | Progredire |
46 | Advanced | Adjective | B1 | Avanzate |
47 | Advantage | Noun | A2 | Vantaggio |
48 | Adventure | Noun | A2 | Avventura |
49 | Advertise | Verb | A2 | pubblicizzare |
50 | Advertisement | Noun | A2 | Annuncio pubblicitario |
51 | Advertising | Noun | A2 | Pubblicità |
52 | Advice | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | Consigli |
53 | affair | Noun | B2 | affare |
54 | affect | Verb | A2 | influenzare |
55 | afford | Verb | B1 | permettersi |
56 | afraid | Adjective | A1 | impaurito |
57 | after | prep. conj. Adverb | A1,A2 | dopo |
58 | afternoon | Noun | A1 | pomeriggio |
59 | afterwards | Adverb | B2 | in seguito |
60 | again | Adverb | A1 | ancora |
61 | against | prep | A2 | contro |
62 | age | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | età |
63 | aged | Adjective | B1 | anziano |
64 | agency | Noun | B2 | agenzia |
65 | agenda | Noun | B2 | ordine del giorno |
66 | agent | Noun | B1 | agente |
67 | aggressive | Adjective | B2 | aggressivo |
68 | ago | Adverb | A1 | fa |
69 | agree | Verb | A1 | essere d'accordo |
70 | agreement | Noun | B1 | accordo |
71 | ah | exclam. | A2 | ah |
72 | ahead | Adverb | B1 | avanti |
73 | aid | Noun Verb | B2 | aiuto |
74 | aim | Verb Noun | B1 | scopo |
75 | air | Noun | A1 | aria |
76 | aircraft | Noun | B2 | aereo |
77 | airline | Noun | A2 | linea aerea |
78 | airport | Noun | A1 | aeroporto |
79 | alarm | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | allarme |
80 | album | Noun | B1 | album |
81 | alcohol | Noun | B1 | alcool |
82 | alcoholic | Adjective | B1 | alcolizzato |
83 | alive | Adjective | A2 | vivo |
84 | all | det. pron, Adverb | A1, A2 | tutti |
85 | all right | Adjective, Adverb exclam | A2 | Tutto ok |
86 | allow | Verb | A2 | permettere |
87 | almost | Adverb | A2 | quasi |
88 | alone | Adjective, Adverb | A2 | solo |
89 | along | prep. Adverb | A2 | lungo |
90 | already | Adverb | A2 | già |
91 | also | Adverb | A1 | anche |
92 | alter | Verb | B2 | alter |
93 | alternative | Noun Adjective | A2, B1 | alternativa |
94 | although | conj | A2 | sebbene |
95 | always | Adverb | A1 | sempre |
96 | amazed | Adjective | B1 | stupito |
97 | amazing | Adjective | A1 | sorprendente |
98 | ambition | Noun | B1 | ambizione |
99 | ambitious | Adjective | B1 | ambizioso |
100 | among | prep. | A2 | tra |
101 | amount | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | quantità |
102 | analyse | Verb | B1 | analizzare |
103 | analysis | Noun | B1 | analisi |
104 | ancient | Adjective | A2 | antico |
105 | and | conj | A1 | e |
106 | anger | Noun | B2 | rabbia |
107 | angle | Noun | B2 | angolo |
108 | angry | Adjective | A1 | arrabbiato |
109 | animal | Noun | A1 | animale |
110 | ankle | Noun | A2 | caviglia |
111 | anniversary | Noun | B2 | anniversario |
112 | announce | Verb | B1 | annunciare |
113 | announcement | Noun | B1 | annuncio |
114 | annoy | Verb | B1 | infastidire |
115 | annoyed | Adjective | B1 | infastidito |
116 | annoying | Adjective | B1 | fastidioso |
117 | annual | Adjective | B2 | annuale |
118 | another | det. proNoun | A1 | un altro |
119 | answer | Noun Verb | A1 | risposta |
120 | anxious | Adjective | B2 | ansioso |
121 | any | det. proNoun, Adverb | A1, A2 | qualunque |
122 | anybody | pron | A2 | nessuno |
123 | any more | Adverb | A2 | più |
124 | anyone | pron | A1 | chiunque |
125 | anything | pron | A1 | nulla |
126 | anyway | Adverb | A2 | Comunque |
127 | anywhere | AdVerb proNoun | A2 | dovunque |
128 | apart | Adverb | B1 | a parte |
129 | apartment | Noun | A1 | appartamento |
130 | apologize | Verb | B1 | scusarsi |
131 | app | Noun | A2 | App |
132 | apparent | Adjective | B2 | apparente |
133 | apparently | Adverb | B2 | apparentemente |
134 | appeal | Noun Verb | B2 | appello |
135 | appear | Verb | A2 | apparire |
136 | appearance | Noun | A2 | aspetto |
137 | apple | Noun | A1 | Mela |
138 | application | Noun | B1 | applicazione |
139 | apply | Verb | A2 | applicare |
140 | appointment | Noun | B1 | appuntamento |
141 | appreciate | Verb | B1 | apprezzare |
142 | approach | Noun Verb | B2 | approccio |
143 | appropriate | Adjective | B2 | adeguata |
144 | approval | Noun | B2 | approvazione |
145 | approve | Verb | B2 | approvare |
146 | approximately | Adverb | B1 | circa |
147 | April | Noun | A1 | aprile |
148 | architect | Noun | A2 | architetto |
149 | architecture | Noun | A2 | architettura |
150 | area | Noun | A1 | la zona |
151 | argue | Verb | A2 | discutere |
152 | argument | Noun | A2 | discussione |
153 | arise | Verb | B2 | sorgere |
154 | arm | Noun | A1 | braccio |
155 | armed | Adjective | B2 | armato |
156 | arms | Noun | B2 | braccia |
157 | army | Noun | A2 | esercito |
158 | around | prep. Adverb | A1 | in giro |
159 | arrange | Verb | A2 | organizzare |
160 | arrangement | Noun | A2 | preparativi |
161 | arrest | Verb Noun | B1 | arresto |
162 | arrival | Noun | B1 | arrivo |
163 | arrive | Verb | A1 | arrivo |
164 | art | Noun | A1 | arte |
165 | article | Noun | A1 | articolo |
166 | artificial | Adjective | B2 | artificiale |
167 | artist | Noun | A1 | artista |
168 | artistic | Adjective | B2 | artistico |
169 | as | prep., Adverb conj. | A1, A2 | come |
170 | ashamed | Adjective | B2 | si vergogna |
171 | asleep | Adjective | A2 | addormentato |
172 | ask | Verb | A1 | Chiedi |
173 | aspect | Noun | B2 | aspetto |
174 | assess | Verb | B2 | valutare |
175 | assessment | Noun | B2 | valutazione |
176 | assignment | Noun | B1 | Incarico |
177 | assist | Verb | B1 | assistere |
178 | assistant | Noun Adjective | A2 | assistente |
179 | associate | Verb | B2 | socio |
180 | associated | Adjective | B2 | Associated |
181 | association | Noun | B2 | associazione |
182 | assume | Verb | B2 | assumere |
183 | at | prep. | A1 | a |
184 | athlete | Noun | A2 | atleta |
185 | atmosphere | Noun | B1 | atmosfera |
186 | attach | Verb | B1 | allegare |
187 | attack | Noun Verb | A2 | attacco |
188 | attempt | Noun Verb | B2 | tentativo |
189 | attend | Verb | A2 | assistere |
190 | attention | Noun exclam. | A2 | Attenzione |
191 | attitude | Noun | B1 | atteggiamento |
192 | attract | Verb | B1 | attirare |
193 | attraction | Noun | B1 | attrazione |
194 | attractive | Adjective | A2 | attraente |
195 | audience | Noun | A2 | pubblico |
196 | August | Noun | A1 | agosto |
197 | aunt | Noun | A1 | zia |
198 | author | Noun | A2 | autore |
199 | authority | Noun | B1 | autorità |
200 | autumn | Noun | A1 | autunno |
201 | available | Adjective | A2 | a disposizione |
202 | average | Adjective, Noun Verb | A2, B1 | media |
203 | avoid | Verb | A2 | evitare |
204 | award | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | premio |
205 | aware | Adjective | B1 | consapevole |
206 | away | Adverb | A1 | lontano |
207 | awful | Adjective | A2 | terribile |
208 | baby | Noun | A1 | bambino |
209 | back | Noun AdVerb Adjective, Verb | A1, A2, B2 | indietro |
210 | background | Noun | A2 | sfondo |
211 | backwards | Adverb | B1 | indietro |
212 | bacteria | Noun | B2 | batteri |
213 | bad | Adjective | A1 | male |
214 | badly | Adverb | A2 | male |
215 | bag | Noun | A1 | sacchetto |
216 | bake | Verb | B1 | infornare |
217 | balance | Noun Verb | B1 | equilibrio |
218 | ball | Noun | A1 | palla |
219 | ban | Verb Noun | B1 | bandire |
220 | banana | Noun | A1 | Banana |
221 | band | Noun | A1 | gruppo musicale |
222 | bank (money) | Noun | A1 | banca (denaro) |
223 | bank (river) | Noun | B1 | Bank (fiume) |
224 | bar | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | bar |
225 | barrier | Noun | B2 | barriera |
226 | base | Noun Verb | B1 | base |
227 | baseball | Noun | A2 | baseball |
228 | based | Adjective | A2 | basato |
229 | basketball | Noun | A2 | pallacanestro |
230 | basic | Adjective | B1 | di base |
231 | basically | Adverb | B2 | fondamentalmente |
232 | basis | Noun | B1 | base |
233 | bath | Noun | A1 | bagno |
234 | bathroom | Noun | A1 | bagno |
235 | battery | Noun | B1 | batteria |
236 | battle | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | battaglia |
237 | be | Verb auxiliary Verb | A1 | essere |
238 | beach | Noun | A1 | spiaggia |
239 | bean | Noun | A2 | fagiolo |
240 | bear (deal with) | Verb | B2 | orso (affare con) |
241 | bear (animal) | Noun | A2 | orso (animale) |
242 | beat | Verb Noun | A2, B2 | battere |
243 | beautiful | Adjective | A1 | bellissimo |
244 | beauty | Noun | B1 | bellezza |
245 | because | conj. | A1 | perché |
246 | become | Verb | A1 | diventare |
247 | bed | Noun | A1 | letto |
248 | bedroom | Noun | A1 | Camera da letto |
249 | bee | Noun | B1 | ape |
250 | beef | Noun | A2 | Manzo |
251 | beer | Noun | A1 | birra |
252 | before | prep., conj. Adverb | A1, A2 | prima |
253 | beg | Verb | B2 | elemosinare |
254 | begin | Verb | A1 | inizio |
255 | beginning | Noun | A1 | inizio |
256 | behave | Verb | A2 | comportarsi |
257 | behaviour | Noun | A2 | comportamento |
258 | behind | prep. Adverb | A1 | dietro a |
259 | being | Noun | B2 | essere |
260 | belief | Noun | B1 | credenza |
261 | believe | Verb | A1 | credere |
262 | bell | Noun | B1 | campana |
263 | belong | Verb | A2 | appartenere |
264 | below | Adverb prep. | A1 | sotto |
265 | belt | Noun | A2 | cintura |
266 | bend | Verb Noun | B1 | piegare |
267 | benefit | Verb NouNoun | A2, B1 | vantaggio |
268 | bent | Adjective | B2 | piegato |
269 | best | Adjective, AdVerb Noun | A1, A2 | migliore |
270 | bet | Verb Noun | B2 | scommessa |
271 | better | Adjective , Adverb , Noun | A1, A2, B1 | meglio |
272 | between | prep., Adverb | A1, A2 | fra |
273 | beyond | prep. Adverb | B2 | al di là |
274 | bicycle | Noun | A1 | bicicletta |
275 | big | Adjective | A1 | grande |
276 | bike | Noun | A1 | bicicletta |
277 | bill | Noun Verb | A1, B2 | conto |
278 | billion number | | A2 | miliardi di numero |
279 | bin | Noun | A2 | bidone |
280 | biology | Noun | A2 | biologia |
281 | bird | Noun | A1 | uccello |
282 | birth | Noun | A2 | nascita |
283 | birthday | Noun | A1 | compleanno |
284 | biscuit | Noun | A2 | biscotto |
285 | bit | Noun | A2 | po |
286 | bite | Verb Noun | B1 | mordere |
287 | bitter | Adjective | B2 | amaro |
288 | black | Adjective, Noun | A1 | nero |
289 | blame | Verb Noun | B2 | colpa |
290 | blank | Adjective, Noun | A2 | vuoto |
291 | blind | Adjective | B2 | cieco |
292 | block | Noun Verb | B1 | bloccare |
293 | blog | Noun | A1 | blog |
294 | blonde | Adjective | A1 | bionda |
295 | blood | Noun | A2 | sangue |
296 | blow | Verb | A2 | soffio |
297 | blue | Adjective, Noun | A1 | blu |
298 | board | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | tavola |
299 | boat | Noun | A1 | barca |
300 | body | Noun | A1 | corpo |
301 | boil | Verb | A2 | Bollire |
302 | bomb | Noun Verb | B1 | bomba |
303 | bond | Noun | B2 | legame |
304 | bone | Noun | A2 | osso |
305 | book | Noun Verb | A1, A2 | libro |
306 | boot | Noun | A1 | stivale |
307 | border | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | confine |
308 | bored | Adjective | A1 | annoiato |
309 | boring | Adjective | A1 | noioso |
310 | born | Verb | A1 | Nato |
311 | borrow | Verb | A2 | prestito |
312 | boss | Noun | A2 | capo |
313 | both | det./proNoun | A1 | tutti e due |
314 | bother | Verb | B1 | preoccuparsi |
315 | bottle | Noun | A1 | bottiglia |
316 | bottom | NouNoun Adjective | A2 | parte inferiore |
317 | bowl | Noun | A2 | ciotola |
318 | box | Noun | A1 | scatola |
319 | boy | Noun | A1 | ragazzo |
320 | boyfriend | Noun | A1 | fidanzato |
321 | brain | Noun | A2 | cervello |
322 | branch | Noun | B1 | ramo |
323 | brand | Noun Verb | B1 | marca |
324 | brave | Adjective | B1 | coraggioso |
325 | bread | Noun | A1 | pane |
326 | break | Verb Noun | A1 | rompere |
327 | breakfast | Noun | A1 | colazione |
328 | breast | Noun | B2 | Seno |
329 | breath | Noun | B1 | respiro |
330 | breathe | Verb | B1 | respirare |
331 | breathing | Noun | B1 | respirazione |
332 | bride | Noun | B1 | sposa |
333 | bridge | Noun | A2 | ponte |
334 | brief | Adjective | B2 | breve |
335 | bright | Adjective | A2 | luminosa |
336 | brilliant | Adjective | A2 | brillante |
337 | bring | Verb | A1 | portare |
338 | broad | Adjective | B2 | ampio |
339 | broadcast | Verb Noun | B2 | trasmissione |
340 | broken | Adjective | A2 | rotto |
341 | brother | Noun | A1 | fratello |
342 | brown | Adjective, Noun | A1 | Marrone |
343 | brush | Verb Noun | A2 | spazzola |
344 | bubble | Noun | B1 | bolla |
345 | budget | Noun | B2 | bilancio |
346 | build | Verb | A1 | costruire |
347 | building | Noun | A1 | edificio |
348 | bullet | Noun | B2 | proiettile |
349 | bunch | Noun | B2 | mazzo |
350 | burn | Verb Noun | A2, B2 | bruciare |
351 | bury | Verb | B1 | seppellire |
352 | bus | Noun | A1 | autobus |
353 | bush | Noun | B2 | cespuglio |
354 | business | Noun | A1 | attività commerciale |
355 | businessman | Noun | A2 | uomo d'affari |
356 | busy | Adjective | A1 | occupato |
357 | but | conj. prep | A1, B2 | ma |
358 | butter | Noun | A1 | burro |
359 | button | Noun | A2 | pulsante |
360 | buy | Verb | A1 | acquistare |
361 | by | prep. Adverb | A1, B1 | di |
362 | bye | exclam | A1 | addio |
363 | cable | Noun | B2 | cavo |
364 | cafe | Noun | A1 | bar |
365 | cake | Noun | A1 | torta |
366 | calculate | Verb | B2 | calcolare |
367 | call | Verb Noun | A1 | chiamata |
368 | calm | Adjective Verb Noun | B1 | calma |
369 | camera | Noun | A1 | telecamera |
370 | camp | Noun Verb | A2 | campo |
371 | campaign | Noun Verb | B1 | campagna |
372 | camping | Noun | A2 | campeggio |
373 | campus | Noun | B1 | città universitaria |
374 | can1 | modal Verb | A1 | CAN1 |
375 | can2 | Noun | A2 | CAN2 |
376 | cancel | Verb | B2 | Annulla |
377 | cancer | Noun | B2 | cancro |
378 | candidate | Noun | B1 | candidato |
379 | cannot | Verb | A1 | non può |
380 | cap | Noun | B1 | berretto |
381 | capable | Adjective | B2 | capace |
382 | capacity | Noun | B2 | capacità |
383 | capital | Noun Adjective | A1 | capitale |
384 | captain | Noun | B1 | Capitano |
385 | capture | Verb Noun | B2 | catturare |
386 | car | Noun | A1 | macchina |
387 | card | Noun | A1 | carta |
388 | care | Noun Verb | A2 | cura |
389 | career | Noun | A1 | carriera |
390 | careful | Adjective | A2 | attento |
391 | carefully | Adverb | A2 | accuratamente |
392 | careless | Adjective | B1 | negligente |
393 | carpet | Noun | A2 | tappeto |
394 | carrot | Noun | A1 | carota |
395 | carry | Verb | A1 | trasportare |
396 | cartoon | Noun | A2 | cartone animato |
397 | case | Noun | A2 | Astuccio |
398 | cash | Noun | A2 | denaro contante |
399 | cast | Noun Verb | B2 | getto |
400 | castle | Noun | A2 | castello |
401 | cat | Noun | A1 | gatto |
402 | catch | Verb Noun | A2, B2 | catturare |
403 | category | Noun | B1 | categoria |
404 | cause | Noun Verb | A2 | causa |
405 | CD | Noun | A1 | CD |
406 | ceiling | Noun | B1 | soffitto |
407 | celebrate | Verb | A2 | celebrare |
408 | celebration | Noun | B1 | celebrazione |
409 | celebrity | Noun | A2 | celebrità |
410 | cell | Noun | B2 | cellula |
411 | cent | Noun | A1 | centesimo |
412 | central | Adjective | B1 | centrale |
413 | centre | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | centro |
414 | century | Noun | A1 | secolo |
415 | ceremony | Noun | B1 | cerimonia |
416 | certain | Adjective | A2 | certo |
417 | certainly | Adverb | A2 | certamente |
418 | chain | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | catena |
419 | chair | Noun Verb | A1, B2 | sedia |
420 | chairman | Noun | B2 | presidente |
421 | challenge | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | sfida |
422 | champion | Noun | B1 | campione |
423 | chance | Noun | A2 | opportunità |
424 | change | Verb Noun | A1 | modificare |
425 | channel | Noun | B1 | canale |
426 | chapter | Noun | B1 | capitolo |
427 | character | Noun | A2 | carattere |
428 | characteristic | Noun Adjective | B2 | caratteristica |
429 | charge | Noun Verb | B1 | caricare |
430 | charity | Noun | A2 | beneficenza |
431 | chart | Noun Verb | A1, B2 | grafico |
432 | chat | Verb Noun | A2 | Chiacchierare |
433 | cheap | Adjective , Adverb | A1, B1 | a buon mercato |
434 | cheat | Verb Noun | B1 | truffare |
435 | check | Verb Noun | A1, A2 | dai un'occhiata |
436 | chef | Noun | A2 | capocuoco |
437 | cheerful | Adjective | B1 | allegro |
438 | cheese | Noun | A1 | formaggio |
439 | chemical | Adjective, Noun | B1 | chimico |
440 | chemistry | Noun | A2 | chimica |
441 | chest | Noun | B1 | il petto |
442 | chicken | Noun | A1 | pollo |
443 | chief | Adjective, Noun | B2 | capo |
444 | child | Noun | A1 | bambino |
445 | childhood | Noun | B1 | infanzia |
446 | chip | Noun | A2 | patata fritta |
447 | chocolate | Noun | A1 | cioccolato |
448 | choice | Noun | A2 | scelta |
449 | choose | Verb | A1 | scegliere |
450 | church | Noun | A2 | Chiesa |
451 | cigarette | Noun | A2 | sigaretta |
452 | cinema | Noun | A1 | cinema |
453 | circle | Noun Verb | A2 | cerchio |
454 | circumstance | Noun | B2 | circostanza |
455 | cite | Verb | B2 | citare |
456 | citizen | Noun | B2 | cittadino |
457 | city | Noun | A1 | città |
458 | civil | Adjective | B2 | civile |
459 | claim | Verb Noun | B1 | Richiesta |
460 | class | Noun | A1 | classe |
461 | classic | Adjective, Noun | B2 | classico |
462 | classical | Adjective | A2 | classico |
463 | classroom | Noun | A1 | aula |
464 | clause | Noun | B1 | clausola |
465 | clean | Adjective, Verb | A1 | pulito |
466 | clear | Adjective, Verb | A2, B1 | chiaro |
467 | clearly | Adverb | A2 | chiaramente |
468 | clever | Adjective | A2 | intelligente |
469 | click | Verb Noun | B1 | clic |
470 | client | Noun | B1 | cliente |
471 | climate | Noun | A2 | clima |
472 | climb | Verb Noun | A1, B1 | scalata |
473 | clock | Noun | A1 | orologio |
474 | close1 | Verb Noun | A1, B2 | Close1 |
475 | close2 | Adjective , Adverb | A2, B1 | Close2 |
476 | closed | Adjective | A2 | chiuso |
477 | closely | Adverb | B2 | strettamente |
478 | cloth | Noun | B1 | stoffa |
479 | clothes | Noun | A1 | Abiti |
480 | clothing | Noun | A2 | capi di abbigliamento |
481 | cloud | Noun | A2 | nube |
482 | club | Noun | A1 | club |
483 | clue | Noun | B1 | traccia |
484 | coach | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | allenatore |
485 | coal | Noun | B1 | carbone |
486 | coast | Noun | A2 | costa |
487 | coat | Noun | A1 | cappotto |
488 | code | Noun | A2 | codice |
489 | coffee | Noun | A1 | caffè |
490 | coin | Noun | B1 | moneta |
491 | cold | Adjective Noun | A1 | freddo |
492 | collapse | Verb Noun | B2 | crollo |
493 | colleague | Noun | A2 | collega |
494 | collect | Verb | A2 | raccogliere |
495 | collection | Noun | B1 | collezione |
496 | college | Noun | A1 | Università |
497 | colour | Noun | A1 | colore |
498 | coloured | Adjective | B1 | colorato |
499 | column | Noun | A2 | colonna |
500 | combination | Noun | B2 | combinazione |
501 | combine | Verb | B1 | combinare |
502 | come | Verb | A1 | venire |
503 | comedy | Noun | A2 | commedia |
504 | comfort | Noun Verb | B2 | comfort |
505 | comfortable | Adjective | A2 | confortevole |
506 | command | Noun Verb | B2 | comando |
507 | comment | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | commento |
508 | commercial | Adjective Noun | B1 | commerciale |
509 | commission | Noun Verb | B2 | commissione |
510 | commit | Verb | B1 | commettere |
511 | commitment | Noun | B2 | impegno |
512 | committee | Noun | B2 | Comitato |
513 | common | Adjective Noun | A1 | Comune |
514 | commonly | Adverb | B2 | comunemente |
515 | communicate | Verb | A2 | comunicare |
516 | communication | Noun | B1 | comunicazione |
517 | community | Noun | A2 | Comunità |
518 | company | Noun | A1 | azienda |
519 | compare | Verb | A1 | confrontare |
520 | comparison | Noun | B1 | confronto |
521 | compete | Verb | A2 | competere |
522 | competition | Noun | A2 | concorrenza |
523 | competitor | Noun | B1 | concorrente |
524 | competitive | Adjective | B1 | competitivo |
525 | complain | Verb | A2 | lamentarsi |
526 | complaint | Noun | B1 | denuncia |
527 | complete | Adjective Verb | A1 | completare |
528 | completely | Adverb | A2 | completamente |
529 | complex | Adjective, Noun | B1, B2 | complesso |
530 | complicated | Adjective | B2 | complicato |
531 | component | Noun | B2 | componente |
532 | computer | Noun | A1 | computer |
533 | concentrate | Verb | B1 | concentrato |
534 | concentration | Noun | B2 | concentrazione |
535 | concept | Noun | B2 | concetto |
536 | concern | Noun Verb | B2 | preoccupazione |
537 | concerned | Adjective | B2 | ha riguardato |
538 | concert | Noun | A1 | concerto |
539 | conclude | Verb | B1 | concludere |
540 | conclusion | Noun | B1 | conclusione |
541 | condition | Noun | A2 | condizione |
542 | conduct | Verb Noun | B2 | condotta |
543 | conference | Noun | A2 | conferenza |
544 | confidence | Noun | B2 | fiducia |
545 | confident | Adjective | B1 | fiducioso |
546 | confirm | Verb | B1 | Confermare |
547 | conflict | Noun Verb | B2 | conflitto |
548 | confuse | Verb | B1 | confuso |
549 | confused | Adjective | B1 | confuso |
550 | confusing | Adjective | B2 | confondendo |
551 | connect | Verb | A2 | Collegare |
552 | connected | Adjective | A2 | collegato |
553 | connection | Noun | B1 | connessione |
554 | conscious | Adjective | B2 | consapevole |
555 | consequence | Noun | B1 | conseguenza |
556 | conservative | Adjective, Noun | B2 | prudente |
557 | consider | Verb | A2 | tener conto di |
558 | consideration | Noun | B2 | considerazione |
559 | consist | Verb | B1 | consistere |
560 | consistent | Adjective | B2 | coerente |
561 | constant | Adjective | B2 | costante |
562 | constantly | Adverb | B2 | costantemente |
563 | construct | Verb | B2 | costruire |
564 | construction | Noun | B2 | costruzione |
565 | consume | Verb | B1 | consumare |
566 | consumer | Noun | B1 | consumatore |
567 | contact | Noun Verb | B1 | contatto |
568 | contain | Verb | A2 | contenere |
569 | container | Noun | B1 | contenitore |
570 | contemporary | Adjective | B2 | contemporaneo |
571 | content | Noun | B1 | soddisfare |
572 | contest | Noun Verb | B2 | concorso |
573 | context | Noun | A2 | contesto |
574 | continent | Noun | A2 | continente |
575 | continue | Verb | A2 | Continua |
576 | continuous | Adjective | B1 | continuo |
577 | contract | Noun Verb | B2 | contrarre |
578 | contrast | Noun Verb | B1 | contrasto |
579 | contribute | Verb | B2 | contribuire |
580 | contribution | Noun | B2 | contributo |
581 | control | Noun Verb | A2 | controllo |
582 | convenient | Adjective | B1 | conveniente |
583 | conversation | Noun | A1 | conversazione |
584 | convert | Verb | B2 | convertire |
585 | convince | Verb | B1 | convincere |
586 | convinced | Adjective | B2 | convinto |
587 | cook | Verb Noun | A1, A2 | cucinare |
588 | cooker | Noun | A2 | fornello |
589 | cooking | Noun | A1 | cucinando |
590 | cool | Adjective, Verb | A1, B1 | freddo |
591 | copy | Noun Verb | A2 | copia |
592 | core | Noun Adjective | B2 | nucleo |
593 | corner | Noun | A2 | angolo |
594 | corporate | Adjective | B2 | aziendale |
595 | correct | Adjective Verb | A1 | corretta |
596 | correctly | Adverb | A2 | correttamente |
597 | cost | Noun Verb | A1 | costo |
598 | costume | Noun | B1 | costume |
599 | cottage | Noun | B1 | Villetta |
600 | cotton | Noun | B1 | cotone |
601 | could | Verb | A1 | poteva |
602 | council | Noun | B2 | consiglio |
603 | count | Verb Noun | A2, B1 | contare |
604 | country | Noun | A1 | nazione |
605 | countryside | Noun | B1 | campagna |
606 | county | Noun | B2 | contea |
607 | couple | Noun | A2 | coppia |
608 | courage | Noun | B2 | coraggio |
609 | course | Noun | A1 | corso |
610 | court | Noun | B1 | Tribunale |
611 | cousin | Noun | A1 | cugino |
612 | cover | Verb Noun | A2, B1 | copertina |
613 | covered | Adjective | B1 | coperto |
614 | cow | Noun | A1 | mucca |
615 | crash | Noun Verb | B2 | schianto |
616 | crazy | Adjective | A2 | pazzo |
617 | cream | Noun Adjective | A1, B1 | crema |
618 | create | Verb | A1 | creare |
619 | creation | Noun | B2 | creazione |
620 | creative | Adjective | A2 | creativo |
621 | creature | Noun | B2 | creatura |
622 | credit | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | credito |
623 | crew | Noun | B2 | equipaggio |
624 | crime | Noun | A2 | crimine |
625 | criminal | Noun Adjective | A2, B1 | penale |
626 | crisis | Noun | B2 | crisi |
627 | criterion | Noun | B2 | criterio |
628 | critic | Noun | B2 | critico |
629 | critical | Adjective | B2 | critico |
630 | criticism | Noun | B2 | critica |
631 | criticize | Verb | B2 | criticare |
632 | crop | Noun | B2 | Ritaglia |
633 | cross | Verb Noun | A2 | attraversare |
634 | crowd | Noun | A2 | folla |
635 | crowded | Adjective | A2 | affollato |
636 | crucial | Adjective | B2 | cruciale |
637 | cruel | Adjective | B1 | crudele |
638 | cry | Verb Noun | A2, B2 | piangere |
639 | cultural | Adjective | B1 | culturale |
640 | culture | Noun | A1 | cultura |
641 | cup | Noun | A1 | tazza |
642 | cupboard | Noun | A2 | credenza |
643 | cure | Verb Noun | B2 | cura |
644 | curly | Adjective | A2 | Riccio |
645 | currency | Noun | B1 | moneta |
646 | current | Adjective, Noun | B1, B2 | attuale |
647 | currently | Adverb | B1 | attualmente |
648 | curtain | Noun | B1 | tenda |
649 | curve | Noun Verb | B2 | curva |
650 | curved | Adjective | B2 | curvo |
651 | custom | Noun | B1 | costume |
652 | customer | Noun | A1 | cliente |
653 | cut | Verb , Noun | A1, B1 | tagliare |
654 | cycle | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | ciclo |
655 | dad | Noun | A1 | papà |
656 | daily | Adjective, Adverb | A2, B1 | quotidiano |
657 | damage | Noun Verb | B1 | danno |
658 | dance | Noun Verb | A1 | danza |
659 | dancer | Noun | A1 | ballerino |
660 | dancing | Noun | A1 | danza |
661 | danger | Noun | A2 | Pericolo |
662 | dangerous | Adjective | A1 | pericoloso |
663 | dark | Adjective, Noun | A1, A2 | buio |
664 | data | Noun | A2 | dati |
665 | date | Noun Verb | A1, B2 | Data |
666 | daughter | Noun | A1 | figlia |
667 | day | Noun | A1 | giorno |
668 | dead | Adjective | A2 | morto |
669 | deal | Verb Noun | A2, B1 | affare |
670 | dear | Adjective, exclam | A1, A2 | caro |
671 | death | Noun | A2 | Morte |
672 | debate | Noun Verb | B2 | discussione |
673 | debt | Noun | B2 | debito |
674 | decade | Noun | B1 | decennio |
675 | December | Noun | A1 | dicembre |
676 | decent | Adjective | B2 | decente |
677 | decide | Verb | A1 | decidere |
678 | decision | Noun | A2 | decisione |
679 | declare | Verb | B2 | dichiarare |
680 | decline | Verb Noun | B2 | declino |
681 | decorate | Verb | B1 | decorare |
682 | decoration | Noun | B2 | decorazione |
683 | decrease | Verb Noun | B2 | diminuire |
684 | deep | Adjective, Adverb | A2, B1 | in profondità |
685 | deeply | Adverb | B2 | profondamente |
686 | defeat | Verb Noun | B2 | la sconfitta |
687 | defence | Noun | B2 | difesa |
688 | defend | Verb | B2 | difendere |
689 | define | Verb | B1 | definire |
690 | definite | Adjective | B1 | definito |
691 | definitely | Adverb | A2 | decisamente |
692 | definition | Noun | B1 | definizione |
693 | degree | Noun | A2 | grado |
694 | delay | Verb Noun | B2 | ritardo |
695 | deliberate | Adjective | B2 | deliberato |
696 | deliberately | Adverb | B2 | deliberatamente |
697 | delicious | Adjective | A1 | delizioso |
698 | delight | Verb Noun | B2 | diletto |
699 | delighted | Adjective | B2 | Contentissimo |
700 | deliver | Verb | B1 | consegnare |
701 | delivery | Noun | B2 | consegna |
702 | demand | Noun Verb | B2 | richiesta |
703 | demonstrate | Verb | B2 | dimostrare |
704 | dentist | Noun | A2 | dentista |
705 | deny | Verb | B2 | negare |
706 | department | Noun | A2 | Dipartimento |
707 | departure | Noun | B1 | partenza |
708 | depend | Verb | A2 | dipendere |
709 | depressed | Adjective | B2 | depresso |
710 | depressing | Adjective | B2 | deprimente |
711 | depth | Noun | B2 | profondità |
712 | describe | Verb | A1 | descrivere |
713 | description | Noun | A1 | descrizione |
714 | desert | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | deserto |
715 | deserve | Verb | B2 | meritare |
716 | design | Noun Verb | A1 | design |
717 | designer | Noun | A2 | progettista |
718 | desire | Noun Verb | B2 | desiderio |
719 | desk | Noun | A1 | scrivania |
720 | desperate | Adjective | B2 | disperato |
721 | despite | prep | B1 | nonostante |
722 | destination | Noun | B1 | destinazione |
723 | destroy | Verb | A2 | distruggere |
724 | detail | Noun Verb | A1, B2 | dettaglio |
725 | detailed | Adjective | B2 | dettagliato |
726 | detect | Verb | B2 | individuare |
727 | detective | Noun | A2 | investigatore |
728 | determine | Verb | B1 | determinare |
729 | determined | Adjective | B1 | determinato |
730 | develop | Verb | A2 | sviluppare |
731 | development | Noun | B1 | sviluppo |
732 | device | Noun | A2 | dispositivo |
733 | diagram | Noun | B1 | diagramma |
734 | dialogue | Noun | A1 | dialogo |
735 | diamond | Noun | B1 | diamante |
736 | diary | Noun | A2 | diario |
737 | dictionary | Noun | A1 | dizionario |
738 | die | Verb | A1 | morire |
739 | diet | Noun | A1 | dieta |
740 | difference | Noun | A1 | differenza |
741 | different | Adjective | A1 | diverso |
742 | differently | Adverb | A2 | diversamente |
743 | difficult | Adjective | A1 | difficile |
744 | difficulty | Noun | B1 | difficoltà |
745 | dig | Verb | B2 | scavare |
746 | digital | Adjective | A2 | digitale |
747 | dinner | Noun | A1 | cena |
748 | direct | Adjective, Verb Adverb | A2, B1 | diretto |
749 | direction | Noun | A2 | direzione |
750 | directly | Adverb | B1 | direttamente |
751 | director | Noun | A2 | direttore |
752 | dirt | Noun | B1 | sporco |
753 | dirty | Adjective | A1 | sporco |
754 | Dis Adverbantage | Noun | B1 | Dis Adverbantage |
755 | disagree | Verb | A2 | disaccordo |
756 | disappear | Verb | A2 | scomparire |
757 | disappointed | Adjective | B1 | deluso |
758 | disappointing | Adjective | B1 | deludente |
759 | disaster | Noun | A2 | disastro |
760 | disc | Noun | B2 | disco |
761 | discipline | Noun | B2 | disciplina |
762 | discount | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | sconto |
763 | discover | Verb | A2 | scoprire |
764 | discovery | Noun | A2 | scoperta |
765 | discuss | Verb | A1 | discutere |
766 | discussion | Noun | A2 | discussione |
767 | disease | Noun | A2 | patologia |
768 | dish | Noun | A1 | piatto |
769 | dishonest | Adjective | B2 | disonesto |
770 | dislike | Verb Noun | B1 | antipatia |
771 | dismiss | Verb | B2 | respingere |
772 | display | Verb Noun | B2 | Schermo |
773 | distance | Noun | A2 | distanza |
774 | distribute | Verb | B2 | distribuire |
775 | distribution | Noun | B2 | distribuzione |
776 | district | Noun | B2 | quartiere |
777 | divide | Verb Noun | B1, B2 | dividere |
778 | division | Noun | B2 | divisione |
779 | divorced | Adjective | A2 | divorziato |
780 | do | Verb auxiliary verb | A1 | fare |
781 | doctor | Noun | A1 | medico |
782 | document | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | documento |
783 | documentary | Noun | B1 | documentario |
784 | dog | Noun | A1 | cane |
785 | dollar | Noun | A1 | dollaro |
786 | domestic | Adjective | B2 | domestico |
787 | dominate | Verb | B2 | dominare |
788 | donate | Verb | B1 | donare |
789 | door | Noun | A1 | porta |
790 | double | Adjective det. proNoun Verb , Adverb | A2, B1 | Doppio |
792 | doubt | Noun Verb | B1 | dubbio |
793 | down | Adverb Prep | A1 | giù |
794 | download | Verb Noun | A2 | Scarica |
795 | downstairs | Adverb , Adjective | A1, A2 | Piano inferiore |
796 | downwards | Adverb | B2 | verso il basso |
797 | dozen | Noun det | B2 | dozzina |
798 | draft | Noun Verb | B2 | bozza |
799 | drag | Verb | B2 | trascinare |
800 | drama | Noun | A2 | Dramma |
801 | dramatic | Adjective | B2 | drammatico |
802 | draw | Verb | A1 | disegnare |
803 | drawing | Noun | A2 | disegno |
804 | dream | Noun Verb | A2 | sognare |
805 | dress | Noun Verb | A1 | vestito |
806 | dressed | Adjective | B1 | vestito |
807 | drink | Noun Verb | A1 | bevanda |
808 | drive | Verb Noun | A1, A2 | guidare |
809 | driver | Noun | A1 | autista |
810 | driving | Noun | A2 | guida |
811 | drop | Verb Noun | A2, B1 | far cadere |
812 | drug | Noun | A2 | farmaco |
813 | drum | Noun | B1 | tamburo |
814 | drunk | Adjective | B1 | ubriaco |
815 | dry | Adjective, Verb | A2 | asciutto |
816 | due | Adjective | B1 | dovuto |
817 | during | prep | A1 | durante |
818 | dust | Noun | B1 | polvere |
819 | duty | Noun | B1 | dovere |
820 | DVD | Noun | A1 | DVD |
821 | each | det./proNoun/Adverb | A1 | ogni |
822 | ear | Noun | A1 | orecchio |
823 | early | Adjective Adverb | A1 | presto |
824 | earn | Verb | A2 | guadagnare |
825 | earth | Noun | A2 | terra |
826 | earthquake | Noun | B1 | terremoto |
827 | easily | Adverb | A2 | facilmente |
828 | east | Noun Adjective Adverb | A1 | est |
829 | eastern | Adjective | B1 | orientale |
830 | easy | Adjective | A1 | facile |
831 | eat | Verb | A1 | mangiare |
832 | economic | Adjective | B1 | economico |
833 | economy | Noun | B1 | economia |
834 | edge | Noun | B1 | bordo |
835 | edit | Verb | B2 | modificare |
836 | edition | Noun | B2 | edizione |
837 | editor | Noun | B1 | editore |
838 | educate | Verb | B1 | educare |
839 | educated | Adjective | B1 | educato |
840 | education | Noun | A2 | formazione scolastica |
841 | educational | Adjective | B1 | educativo |
842 | effect | Noun | A2 | effetto |
843 | effective | Adjective | B1 | efficace |
844 | effectively | Adverb | B1 | effettivamente |
845 | efficient | Adjective | B2 | efficiente |
846 | effort | Noun | B1 | sforzo |
847 | egg | Noun | A1 | uovo |
848 | eight | number | A1 | otto |
849 | eighteen | number | A1 | diciotto |
850 | eighty | number | A1 | ottanta |
851 | either | det./proNoun Adverb | A2 | o |
852 | elderly | Adjective | B2 | anziano |
853 | elect | Verb | B2 | eletto |
854 | election | Noun | B1 | elezione |
855 | electric | Adjective | A2 | elettrico |
856 | electrical | Adjective | A2 | elettrico |
857 | electricity | Noun | A2 | elettricità |
858 | electronic | Adjective | A2 | elettronico |
859 | element | Noun | B1 | elemento |
860 | elephant | Noun | A1 | elefante |
861 | eleven | number | A1 | undici |
862 | else | Adverb | A1 | altro |
863 | elsewhere | Adverb | B2 | altrove |
864 | email | Noun Verb | A1 | e-mail |
865 | embarrassed | Adjective | B1 | imbarazzato |
866 | embarrassing | Adjective | B1 | imbarazzante |
867 | emerge | Verb | B2 | emergere |
868 | emergency | Noun | B1 | emergenza |
869 | emotion | Noun | B1 | emozione |
870 | emotional | Adjective | B2 | emotivo |
871 | emphasis | Noun | B2 | enfasi |
872 | emphasize | Verb | B2 | enfatizzare |
873 | employ | Verb | A2 | impiego |
874 | employee | Noun | A2 | dipendente |
875 | employer | Noun | A2 | datore di lavoro |
876 | employment | Noun | B1 | occupazione |
877 | empty | Adjective, Verb | A2, B1 | vuoto |
878 | enable | Verb | B2 | abilitare |
879 | encounter | Verb Noun | B2 | incontrare |
880 | encourage | Verb | B1 | incoraggiare |
881 | end | Noun Verb | A1 | fine |
882 | ending | Noun | A2 | fine |
883 | enemy | Noun | B1 | nemico |
884 | energy | Noun | A2 | energia |
885 | engage | Verb | B2 | impegnare |
886 | engaged | Adjective | B1 | impegnato |
887 | engine | Noun | A2 | motore |
888 | engineer | Noun | A2 | ingegnere |
889 | engineering | Noun | B1 | ingegneria |
890 | enhance | Verb | B2 | accrescere |
891 | enjoy | Verb | A1 | godere |
892 | enormous | Adjective | A2 | enorme |
893 | enough | det. proNoun Adverb | A1 | abbastanza |
894 | enquiry | Noun | B2 | inchiesta |
895 | ensure | Verb | B2 | garantire |
896 | enter | Verb | A2 | accedere |
897 | entertain | Verb | B1 | intrattenere |
898 | entertainment | Noun | B1 | divertimento |
899 | enthusiasm | Noun | B2 | entusiasmo |
900 | enthusiastic | Adjective | B2 | entusiasta |
901 | entire | Adjective | B2 | intero |
902 | entirely | Adverb | B2 | interamente |
903 | entrance | Noun | B1 | Entrata |
904 | entry | Noun | B1 | iscrizione |
905 | environment | Noun | A2 | ambiente |
906 | environmental | Adjective | B1 | ambientale |
907 | episode | Noun | B1 | episodio |
908 | equal | Adjective, Verb Noun | B1, B2 | pari |
909 | equally | Adverb | B1 | ugualmente |
910 | equipment | Noun | A2 | attrezzatura |
911 | error | Noun | A2 | errore |
912 | escape | Verb Noun | B1 | fuga |
913 | especially | Adverb | A2 | particolarmente |
914 | essay | Noun | A2 | saggio |
915 | essential | Adjective | B1 | essenziale |
916 | establish | Verb | B2 | stabilire |
917 | estate | Noun | B2 | tenuta |
918 | estimate | Verb Noun | B2 | stima |
919 | ethical | Adjective | B2 | etico |
920 | euro | Noun | A1 | Euro |
921 | evaluate | Verb | B2 | valutare |
922 | even | AdVerb Adjective | A1, B2 | anche |
923 | evening | Noun | A1 | sera |
924 | event | Noun | A1 | evento |
925 | eventually | Adverb | B1 | infine |
926 | ever | Adverb | A1 | mai |
927 | every | det | A1 | ogni |
928 | everybody | proNoun | A1 | tutti |
929 | everyday | Adjective | A2 | ogni giorno |
930 | everyone | proNoun | A1 | tutti |
931 | everything | proNoun | A1 | qualunque cosa |
932 | everywhere | Adverb | A2 | ovunque |
933 | evidence | Noun | A2 | prova |
934 | evil | Adjective, Noun | B2 | il male |
935 | exact | Adjective | A2 | esatto |
936 | exactly | Adverb | A2 | Esattamente |
937 | exam | Noun | A1 | esame |
938 | examination | Noun | B2 | visita medica |
939 | examine | Verb | B1 | esaminare |
940 | example | Noun | A1 | esempio |
941 | excellent | Adjective | A2 | eccellente |
942 | except | prep, conj | A2, B1 | tranne |
943 | exchange | Noun Verb | B1 | scambio |
944 | excited | Adjective | A1 | eccitato |
945 | excitement | Noun | B1 | eccitazione |
946 | exciting | Adjective | A1 | eccitante |
947 | excuse | Noun Verb | B2 | scusa |
948 | executive | Noun Adjective | B2 | esecutivo |
949 | exercise | Noun Verb | A1 | esercizio |
950 | exhibition | Noun | B1 | esposizione |
951 | exist | Verb | A2 | esistere |
952 | existence | Noun | B2 | esistenza |
953 | expand | Verb | B1 | espandere |
954 | expect | Verb | A2 | aspettarsi |
955 | expectation | Noun | B2 | aspettativa |
956 | expected | Adjective | B1 | previsto |
957 | expedition | Noun | B1 | spedizione |
958 | expense | Noun | B2 | spese |
959 | expensive | Adjective | A1 | costoso |
960 | experience | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | Esperienza |
961 | experienced | Adjective | B1 | esperto |
962 | experiment | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | sperimentare |
963 | expert | Noun Adjective | A2 | esperto |
964 | explain | Verb | A1 | spiegare |
965 | explanation | Noun | A2 | spiegazione |
966 | explode | Verb | B1 | esplodere |
967 | exploration | Noun | B2 | esplorazione |
968 | explore | Verb | B1 | Esplorare |
969 | explosion | Noun | B1 | esplosione |
970 | export | Noun Verb | B1 | esportare |
971 | expose | Verb | B2 | esporre |
972 | express | Verb | A2 | esprimere |
973 | expression | Noun | A2 | espressione |
974 | extend | Verb | B2 | estendere |
975 | extent | Noun | B2 | estensione |
976 | external | Adjective | B2 | esterno |
977 | extra | Adjective, Noun Adverb | A1, B1 | extra |
978 | extraordinary | Adjective | B2 | straordinario |
979 | extreme | Adjective, Noun | A2, B2 | estremo |
980 | extremely | Adverb | A2 | estremamente |
981 | eye | Noun | A1 | occhio |
982 | face | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | viso |
983 | facility | Noun | B2 | servizio, struttura |
984 | fact | Noun | A1 | fatto |
985 | factor | Noun | A2 | fattore |
986 | factory | Noun | A2 | fabbrica |
987 | fail | Verb | A2 | fallire |
988 | failure | Noun | B2 | fallimento |
989 | fair | Adjective | A2 | giusto |
990 | fairly | Adverb | B1 | abbastanza |
991 | faith | Noun | B2 | fede |
992 | fall | Verb Noun | A1, A2 | autunno |
993 | FALSE | Adjective | A1 | FALSE |
994 | familiar | Adjective | B1 | familiare |
995 | family | Noun Adjective | A1 | famiglia |
996 | famous | Adjective | A1 | famoso |
997 | fan | Noun | A2 | fan |
998 | fancy | Verb Adjective | B1 | fantasia |
999 | fantastic | Adjective | A1 | fantastico |
1000 | far | Adverb , Adjective | A1, B1 | lontano |
1001 | farm | Noun Verb | A1, A2 | azienda agricola |
1002 | farmer | Noun | A1 | contadino |
1003 | farming | Noun | A2 | agricoltura |
1004 | fascinating | Adjective | B1 | affascinante |
1005 | fashion | Noun | A2 | moda |
1006 | fashionable | Adjective | B1 | alla moda |
1007 | fast | Adjective, Adverb | A1 | veloce |
1008 | fasten | Verb | B1 | allacciare |
1009 | fat | Adjective, Noun | A1, A2 | Grasso |
1010 | father | Noun | A1 | padre |
1011 | fault | Noun | B2 | colpa |
1012 | favour | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | favore |
1013 | favourite | Adjective, Noun | A1 | preferito |
1014 | fear | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | paura |
1015 | feather | Noun | B2 | piuma |
1016 | feature | Noun Verb | A2, B1 | caratteristica |
1017 | February | Noun | A1 | febbraio |
1018 | fee | Noun | B2 | tassa |
1019 | feed | Verb Noun | A2, B2 | alimentazione |
1020 | feedback | Noun | B2 | risposta |
1021 | feel | Verb Noun | A1, B2 | sentire |
1022 | feeling | Noun | A1 | sensazione |
1023 | fellow | Adjective | B2 | compagno |
1024 | female | Adjective, Noun | A2 | femmina |
1025 | fence | Noun | B1 | recinto |
1026 | festival | Noun | A1 | Festival |
1027 | few | det./Adjective, proNoun | A1 | pochi |
1028 | fiction | Noun | A2 | finzione |
1029 | field | Noun | A2 | campo |
1030 | fifteen | number | A1 | quindici |
1031 | fifth | number | A1 | quinto |
1032 | fifty | number | A1 | cinquanta |
1033 | fight | Verb Noun | A2 | combattimento |
1034 | fighting | Noun | B1 | combattente |
1035 | figure | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | figura |
1036 | file | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | file |
1037 | fill | Verb | A1 | riempire |
1038 | film | Noun Verb | A1, A2 | film |
1039 | final | Adjective, Noun | A1, A2 | finale |
1040 | finally | Adverb | A2 | finalmente |
1041 | finance | Noun Verb | B2 | finanza |
1042 | financial | Adjective | B1 | finanziario |
1043 | find | Verb | A1 | trova |
1044 | finding | Noun | B2 | scoperta |
1045 | fine | Adjective | A1 | bene |
1046 | finger | Noun | A2 | dito |
1047 | finish | Verb Noun | A1, A2 | finire |
1048 | fire | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | fuoco |
1049 | firm | Noun | B2 | azienda |
1050 | first | det./number.AdVerb Noun | A1, A2 | primo |
1051 | firstly | Adverb | A2 | in primo luogo |
1052 | fish | Noun Verb | A1, A2 | pesce |
1053 | fishing | Noun | A2 | pesca |
1054 | fit | Verb Adjective | A2 | in forma |
1055 | fitness | Noun | B1 | fitness |
1056 | five | number | A1 | cinque |
1057 | fix | Verb Noun | A2, B2 | fix |
1058 | fixed | Adjective | B1 | fisso |
1059 | flag | Noun | B1 | bandiera |
1060 | flame | Noun | B2 | fiamma |
1061 | flash | Noun Verb | B2 | veloce |
1062 | flat | Noun Adjective | A1, A2 | piatto |
1063 | flexible | Adjective | B2 | flessibile |
1064 | flight | Noun | A1 | volo |
1065 | float | Verb | B2 | galleggiante |
1066 | flood | Noun Verb | B1 | alluvione |
1067 | floor | Noun | A1 | pavimento |
1068 | flour | Noun | B1 | Farina |
1069 | flow | Verb Noun | B1 | flusso |
1070 | flower | Noun | A1 | fiore |
1071 | flu | Noun | A2 | influenza |
1072 | fly | Verb Noun | A1, A2 | volare |
1073 | flying | Noun Adjective | A2 | volante |
1074 | focus | Verb Noun | A2 | messa a fuoco |
1075 | fold | Verb Noun | B1, B2 | piegare |
1076 | folding | Adjective | B2 | pieghevole |
1077 | folk | Noun Adjective | B1 | popolare |
1078 | follow | Verb | A1 | Seguire |
1079 | following | Adjective, Noun prep | A2, B1, B2 | a seguire |
1080 | food | Noun | A1 | cibo |
1081 | foot | Noun | A1 | piede |
1082 | football | Noun | A1 | calcio |
1083 | for | prep. | A1 | per |
1084 | force | NounVerb | B1 | vigore |
1085 | foreign | Adjective | A2 | straniero |
1086 | forest | Noun | A2 | foresta |
1087 | forever | Adverb | B1 | per sempre |
1088 | forget | Verb | A1 | dimenticare |
1089 | forgive | Verb | B2 | perdonare |
1090 | fork | Noun | A2 | forchetta |
1091 | form | NounVerb | A1 | modulo |
1092 | formal | Adjective | A2 | formale |
1093 | former | Adjective | B2 | ex |
1094 | fortunately | Adverb | A2 | fortunatamente |
1095 | fortune | Noun | B2 | fortuna |
1096 | forty | number | A1 | quaranta |
1097 | forward | AdVerb Adjective | A2, B2 | inoltrare |
1098 | found | Verb | B2 | trovato |
1099 | four | number | A1 | quattro |
1100 | fourteen | number | A1 | quattordici |
1101 | fourth | number | A1 | il quarto |
1102 | frame | NounVerb | B1 | telaio |
1103 | free | Adjective, AdVerb Verb | A1,A2,B2 | gratuito |
1104 | freedom | Noun | B2 | la libertà |
1105 | freeze | Verb | B1 | congelare |
1106 | frequency | Noun | B2 | frequenza |
1107 | frequently | Adverb | B1 | frequentemente |
1108 | fresh | Adjective | A2 | fresco |
1109 | Friday | Noun | A1 | Venerdì |
1110 | fridge | Noun | A2 | frigo |
1111 | friend | Noun | A1 | amico |
1112 | friendly | Adjective | A1 | amichevole |
1113 | friendship | Noun | B1 | amicizia |
1114 | frighten | Verb | B1 | spaventare |
1115 | frightened | Adjective | B1 | spaventato |
1116 | frightening | Adjective | B1 | spaventoso |
1117 | frog | Noun | A2 | rana |
1118 | from | prep | A1 | a partire dal |
1119 | front | Noun Adjective | A1 | davanti |
1120 | frozen | Adjective | B1 | congelato |
1121 | fruit | Noun | A1 | frutta |
1122 | fry | Verb | B1 | friggere |
1123 | fuel | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | carburante |
1124 | full | Adjective | A1 | pieno |
1125 | fully | Adverb | B2 | completamente |
1126 | fun | Noun Adjective | A1, A2 | divertimento |
1127 | function | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | funzione |
1128 | fund | Noun Verb | B2 | fondo |
1129 | fundamental | Adjective | B2 | fondamentale |
1130 | funding | Noun | B2 | finanziamento |
1131 | funny | Adjective | A1 | divertente |
1132 | fur | Noun | B1 | pelliccia |
1133 | furniture | Noun | A2 | mobilia |
1134 | further | Adjective, Adverb | A2, B1 | ulteriore |
1135 | furthermore | Adverb | B2 | inoltre |
1136 | future | Noun Adjective | A1, A2 | futuro |
1137 | gain | Verb Noun | B2 | guadagno |
1138 | gallery | Noun | A2 | galleria |
1139 | game | Noun | A1 | gioco |
1140 | gang | Noun | B2 | banda |
1141 | gap | Noun | A2 | divario |
1142 | garage | Noun | B1 | box auto |
1143 | garden | Noun | A1 | giardino |
1144 | gas | Noun | A2 | gas |
1145 | gate | Noun | A2 | cancello |
1146 | gather | Verb | B1 | raccogliere |
1147 | general | Adjective | A2 | generale |
1148 | generally | Adverb | B1 | generalmente |
1149 | generate | Verb | B2 | creare |
1150 | generation | Noun | B1 | generazione |
1151 | generous | Adjective | B1 | generoso |
1152 | genre | Noun | B2 | genere |
1153 | gentle | Adjective | B1 | dolce |
1154 | gentleman | Noun | B1 | signore |
1155 | geography | Noun | A1 | geografia |
1156 | get | Verb | A1 | ottenere |
1157 | ghost | Noun | B1 | fantasma |
1158 | giant | Adjective, Noun | B1 | gigante |
1159 | gift | Noun | A2 | regalo |
1160 | girl | Noun | A1 | ragazza |
1161 | girlfriend | Noun | A1 | fidanzata |
1162 | give | Verb | A1 | dare |
1163 | glad | Adjective | B1 | lieto |
1164 | glass | Noun | A1 | bicchiere |
1165 | global | Adjective | B1 | globale |
1166 | glove | Noun | B1 | guanto |
1167 | go | Verb Noun | A1, B1 | partire |
1168 | goal | Noun | A2 | obbiettivo |
1169 | God | Noun | A2 | Dio |
1170 | gold | Noun Adjective | A2 | oro |
1171 | golf | Noun | A2 | golf |
1172 | good | Adjective, Noun | A1, A2 | bene |
1173 | goodbye | exclam. Noun | A1 | addio |
1174 | goods | Noun | B1 | merce |
1175 | govern | Verb | B2 | governare |
1176 | government | Noun | A2 | governo |
1177 | grab | Verb | B2 | afferrare |
1178 | grade | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | grado |
1179 | gradually | Adverb | B2 | gradualmente |
1180 | graduate | Noun Verb | B1 | diplomato |
1181 | grain | Noun | B1 | grano |
1182 | grand | Adjective | B2 | mille dollari |
1183 | grandfather | Noun | A1 | nonno |
1184 | grandmother | Noun | A1 | nonna |
1185 | grandparent | Noun | A1 | nonno |
1186 | grant | Verb Noun | B2 | concedere |
1187 | grass | Noun | A2 | erba |
1188 | grateful | Adjective | B1 | grato |
1189 | great | Adjective | A1 | grande |
1190 | green | Adjective, Noun | A1 | verde |
1191 | greet | Verb | A2 | salutare |
1192 | grey | Adjective, Noun | A1 | grigio |
1193 | ground | Noun | A2 | terra |
1194 | group | Noun | A1 | gruppo |
1195 | grow | Verb | A1 | crescere |
1196 | growth | Noun | B1 | crescita |
1197 | guarantee | Verb Noun | B2 | garanzia |
1198 | guard | Noun Verb | B1 | guardia |
1199 | guess | Verb Noun | A1 | indovina |
1200 | guest | Noun | A2 | ospite |
1201 | guide | Noun Verb | A2 | guida |
1202 | guilty | Adjective | B1 | colpevole |
1203 | guitar | Noun | A1 | chitarra |
1204 | gun | Noun | A2 | pistola |
1205 | guy | Noun | A2 | tipo |
1206 | gym | Noun | A1 | Palestra |
1207 | habit | Noun | A2 | abitudine |
1208 | hair | Noun | A1 | capelli |
1209 | half | Noundet.proNoun, Adverb | A1, A2 | metà |
1210 | hall | Noun | A2 | sala |
1211 | hand | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | mano |
1212 | handle | Verb Noun | B2 | maniglia |
1213 | hang | Verb | B1 | appendere |
1214 | happen | Verb | A1 | accadere |
1215 | happily | Adverb | A2 | felicemente |
1216 | happiness | Noun | B1 | felicità |
1217 | happy | Adjective | A1 | contento |
1218 | hard | Adjective, Adverb | A1 | difficile |
1219 | hardly | Adverb | B1 | quasi |
1220 | harm | Noun Verb | B2 | danno |
1221 | harmful | Adjective | B2 | dannoso |
1222 | hat | Noun | A1 | cappello |
1223 | hate | Verb Noun | A1, B1 | odiare |
1224 | have | Verb auxiliary Verb | A1, A2 | avere |
1225 | have to modal | Verb | A1 | Sono d'modal |
1226 | he | proNoun | A1 | lui |
1227 | head | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | testa |
1228 | headache | Noun | A2 | mal di testa |
1229 | headline | Noun | B1 | titolo |
1230 | health | Noun | A1 | Salute |
1231 | healthy | Adjective | A1 | salutare |
1232 | hear | Verb | A1 | sentire |
1233 | hearing | Noun | B2 | udito |
1234 | heart | Noun | A2 | cuore |
1235 | heat | Noun Verb | A2 | calore |
1236 | heating | Noun | B1 | riscaldamento |
1237 | heaven | Noun | B2 | Paradiso |
1238 | heavily | Adverb | B1 | pesantemente |
1239 | heavy | Adjective | A2 | pesante |
1240 | heel | Noun | B2 | tacco |
1241 | height | Noun | A2 | altezza |
1242 | helicopter | Noun | B1 | elicottero |
1243 | hell | Noun | B2 | inferno |
1244 | hello | exclam./Noun | A1 | Ciao |
1245 | help | Verb Noun | A1 | Aiuto |
1246 | helpful | Adjective | A2 | utile |
1247 | her | proNoundet | A1 | sua |
1248 | here | Adverb | A1 | Qui |
1249 | hero | Noun | A2 | eroe |
1250 | hers | proNoun | A2 | la sua |
1251 | herself | proNoun | A2 | se stessa |
1252 | hesitate | Verb | B2 | esitare |
1253 | hey | exclam | A1 | Hey |
1254 | hi | exclam | A1 | Ciao |
1255 | hide | Verb | A2 | nascondere |
1256 | high | Adjective, AdVerb Noun | A1, A2, B2 | alto |
1257 | highlight | Verb Noun | B1 | evidenziare |
1258 | highly | Adverb | B1 | altamente |
1259 | hill | Noun | A2 | collina |
1260 | him | proNoun | A1 | lui |
1261 | himself | proNoun | A2 | lui stesso |
1262 | hire | Verb Noun | B1, B2 | assumere |
1263 | his | det. proNoun | A1, A2 | il suo |
1264 | historic | Adjective | B1 | storico |
1265 | historical | Adjective | B1 | storico |
1266 | history | Noun | A1 | storia |
1267 | hit | Verb Noun | A2 | colpire |
1268 | hobby | Noun | A1 | passatempo |
1269 | hockey | Noun | A2 | hockey |
1270 | hold | Verb Noun | A2, B2 | hold |
1271 | hole | Noun | A2 | buco |
1272 | holiday | Noun | A1 | vacanza |
1273 | hollow | Adjective | B2 | cavo |
1274 | holy | Adjective | B2 | santo |
1275 | home | Noun AdVerb Adjective | A1, A2 | casa |
1276 | homework | Noun | A1 | compiti a casa |
1277 | honest | Adjective | B1 | onesto |
1278 | honour | Noun Verb | B2 | onore |
1279 | hope | Verb Noun | A1, A2 | speranza |
1280 | horrible | Adjective | B1 | orribile |
1281 | horror | Noun | B1 | orrore |
1282 | horse | Noun | A1 | cavallo |
1283 | hospital | Noun | A1 | ospedale |
1284 | host | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | ospite |
1285 | hot | Adjective | A1 | caldo |
1286 | hotel | Noun | A1 | Hotel |
1287 | hour | Noun | A1 | ora |
1288 | house | Noun Verb | A1, B2 | Casa |
1289 | household | Noun | B2 | domestico |
1290 | housing | Noun | B2 | alloggiamento |
1291 | how | Adverb | A1 | Come |
1292 | however | Adverb | A1 | però |
1293 | huge | Adjective | A2 | enorme |
1294 | human | Adjective, Noun | A2 | umano |
1295 | humorous | Adjective | B2 | umoristico |
1296 | humour | Noun | B2 | umorismo |
1297 | hundred | number | A1 | centinaio |
1298 | hungry | Adjective | A1 | Affamato |
1299 | hunt | Verb Noun | B1, B2 | caccia |
1300 | hunting | Noun | B2 | a caccia |
1301 | hurricane | Noun | B1 | uragano |
1302 | hurry | Noun Verb | B1 | fretta |
1303 | hurt | Verb Adjective Noun | A2, B2 | male |
1304 | husband | Noun | A1 | marito |
1305 | I | proNoun | A1 | io |
1306 | ice | Noun | A1 | ghiaccio |
1307 | ice cream | Noun | A1 | gelato |
1308 | idea | Noun | A1 | idea |
1309 | ideal | Adjective , Noun | A2, B2 | ideale |
1310 | identify | Verb | A2 | identificare |
1311 | identity | Noun | B1 | identità |
1312 | if | conj. | A1 | Se |
1313 | ignore | Verb | B1 | ignorare |
1314 | ill | Adjective | A2 | malato |
1315 | illegal | Adjective | B1 | illegale |
1316 | illness | Noun | A2 | malattia |
1317 | illustrate | Verb | B2 | illustrare |
1318 | illustration | Noun | B2 | illustrazione |
1319 | image | Noun | A2 | Immagine |
1320 | imaginary | Adjective | B1 | immaginario |
1321 | imagination | Noun | B2 | immaginazione |
1322 | imagine | Verb | A1 | immaginare |
1323 | immediate | Adjective | B1 | immediato |
1324 | immediately | Adverb | A2 | subito |
1325 | immigrant | Noun | B1 | immigrante |
1326 | impact | Noun Verb | B1 | urto |
1327 | impatient | Adjective | B2 | impaziente |
1328 | imply | Verb | B2 | implicare |
1329 | import | Noun Verb | B1 | importare |
1330 | importance | Noun | B1 | importanza |
1331 | important | Adjective | A1 | importante |
1332 | impose | Verb | B2 | imporre |
1333 | impossible | Adjective | A2 | impossibile |
1334 | impress | Verb | B2 | impressionare |
1335 | impressed | Adjective | B2 | impressionato |
1336 | impression | Noun | B1 | impressione |
1337 | impressive | Adjective | B1 | degno di nota |
1338 | improve | Verb | A1 | Ottimizzare |
1339 | improvement | Noun | B1 | miglioramento |
1340 | in | prep., Adverb | A1 | nel |
1341 | inch | Noun | B2 | pollice |
1342 | incident | Noun | B2 | incidente |
1343 | include | Verb | A1 | includere |
1344 | included | Adjective | A2 | incluso |
1345 | including | prep. | A2 | Compreso |
1346 | income | Noun | B2 | reddito |
1347 | increase | Verb Noun | A2 | aumentare |
1348 | increasingly | Adverb | B2 | sempre più |
1349 | incredible | Adjective | A2 | incredibile |
1350 | incredibly | Adverb | B1 | incredibilmente |
1351 | indeed | Adverb | B1 | infatti |
1352 | independent | Adjective | A2 | indipendente |
1353 | indicate | Verb | B1 | indicare |
1354 | indirect | Adjective | B1 | indiretto |
1355 | individual | Noun, adj | A2 | individuale |
1356 | indoor | Adjective | B1 | interno |
1357 | indoors | Adverb | B1 | in casa |
1358 | industrial | Adjective | B2 | industriale |
1359 | industry | Noun | A2 | industria |
1360 | infection | Noun | B2 | infezione |
1361 | influence | NounVerb | B1 | influenza |
1362 | inform | Verb | B2 | far sapere |
1363 | informal | Adjective | A2 | informale |
1364 | information | Noun | A1 | informazione |
1365 | ingredient | Noun | B1 | ingrediente |
1366 | initial | Adjective | B2 | iniziale |
1367 | initially | Adverb | B2 | inizialmente |
1368 | initiative | Noun | B2 | iniziativa |
1369 | injure | Verb | B1 | ferire |
1370 | injured | Adjective | B1 | ferito |
1371 | injury | Noun | A2 | lesione |
1372 | inner | Adjective | B2 | interno |
1373 | innocent | Adjective | B1 | innocente |
1374 | insect | Noun | A2 | insetto |
1375 | inside | prep.Adverb Noun Adjective | A2 | dentro |
1376 | insight | Noun | B2 | intuizione |
1377 | insist | Verb | B2 | insistere |
1378 | inspire | Verb | B2 | ispirare |
1379 | install | Verb | B2 | installare |
1380 | instance | Noun | B2 | esempio |
1381 | instead | Adverb | A2 | anziché |
1382 | institute | Noun | B2 | istituto |
1383 | institution | Noun | B2 | istituzione |
1384 | instruction | Noun | A2 | istruzione |
1385 | instructor | Noun | A2 | istruttore |
1386 | instrument | Noun | A2 | strumento |
1387 | insurance | Noun | B2 | assicurazione |
1388 | intelligence | Noun | B1 | intelligenza |
1389 | intelligent | Adjective | A2 | intelligente |
1390 | intend | Verb | B1 | avere intenzione |
1391 | intended | Adjective | B2 | destinato |
1392 | intense | Adjective | B2 | intenso |
1393 | intention | Noun | B1 | Intenzione |
1394 | interest | Noun Verb | A1 | interesse |
1395 | interested | Adjective | A1 | interessato |
1396 | interesting | Adjective | A1 | interessante |
1397 | internal | Adjective | B2 | interno |
1398 | international | Adjective | A2 | internazionale |
1399 | internet | Noun | A1 | Internet |
1400 | interpret | Verb | B2 | interpretare |
1401 | interrupt | Verb | B2 | interrompere |
1402 | interview | Noun Verb | A1 | colloquio |
1403 | into | prep. | A1 | in |
1404 | introduce | Verb | A1 | introdurre |
1405 | introduction | Noun | A2 | introduzione |
1406 | invent | Verb | A2 | inventare |
1407 | invention | Noun | A2 | invenzione |
1408 | invest | Verb | B1 | investire |
1409 | investigate | Verb | B1 | indagare |
1410 | investigation | Noun | B2 | indagine |
1411 | investment | Noun | B2 | investimento |
1412 | invitation | Noun | A2 | invito |
1413 | invite | Verb | A2 | invitare |
1414 | involve | Verb | A2 | coinvolgere |
1415 | involved | Adjective | B1 | coinvolti |
1416 | iron | Noun Verb | B1 | ferro |
1417 | island | Noun | A1 | isola |
1418 | issue | Noun, Verb | B1, B2 | problema |
1419 | IT | Noun | B1 | IT |
1420 | it | proNoun | A1 | esso |
1421 | item | Noun | A2 | articolo |
1422 | its | det. | A1 | suo |
1423 | itself | proNoun | A2 | si |
1424 | jacket | Noun | A1 | giacca |
1425 | jam | Noun | A2 | marmellata |
1426 | January | Noun | A1 | gennaio |
1427 | jazz | Noun | A2 | jazz |
1428 | jeans | Noun | A1 | jeans |
1429 | jewellery | Noun | A2 | gioielleria |
1430 | job | Noun | A1 | lavoro |
1431 | join | Verb | A1 | aderire |
1432 | joke | Noun Verb | A2 | scherzare |
1433 | journal | Noun | B1 | rivista |
1434 | journalist | Noun | A2 | giornalista |
1435 | journey | Noun | A1 | viaggio |
1436 | joy | Noun | B2 | gioia |
1437 | judge | Noun Verb | B1 | giudice |
1438 | judgement | Noun | B2 | giudizio |
1439 | juice | Noun | A1 | succo |
1440 | July | Noun | A1 | luglio |
1441 | jump | Verb Noun | A2 | saltare |
1442 | June | Noun | A1 | giugno |
1443 | junior | Adjective | B2 | junior |
1444 | just | Adverb | A1 | appena |
1445 | justice | Noun | B2 | giustizia |
1446 | justify | Verb | B2 | giustificare |
1447 | keen | Adjective | B1 | acuto |
1448 | keep | Verb | A1 | mantenere |
1449 | key | Noun, Adjective Verb | A1, B1 | chiave |
1450 | keyboard | Noun | B1 | tastiera |
1451 | kick | Verb Noun | B1 | calcio |
1452 | kid | Noun | A2 | ragazzo |
1453 | kill | Verb | A2 | uccidere |
1454 | killing | Noun | B1 | uccisione |
1455 | kilometre | Noun | A1 | chilometro |
1456 | kind(type) | Noun | A1 | genere (tipo) |
1457 | kind(caring) | Adjective | B1 | tipo (caring) |
1458 | king | Noun | A2 | re |
1459 | kiss | Verb Noun | B1 | bacio |
1460 | kitchen | Noun | A1 | cucina |
1461 | knee | Noun | A2 | ginocchio |
1462 | knife | Noun | A2 | coltello |
1463 | knock | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | bussare |
1464 | know | Verb | A1 | conoscere |
1465 | knowledge | Noun | A2 | conoscenza |
1466 | lab | Noun | A2 | laboratorio |
1467 | label | Noun Verb | B1 | etichetta |
1468 | laboratory | Noun | B1 | laboratorio |
1469 | labour | Noun | B2 | lavoro duro e faticoso |
1470 | lack | Noun Verb | B1 | mancanza |
1471 | lady | Noun | A2 | signora |
1472 | lake | Noun | A2 | lago |
1473 | lamp | Noun | A2 | lampada |
1474 | land | Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | sbarcare |
1475 | landscape | Noun | B2 | paesaggio |
1476 | language | Noun | A1 | linguaggio |
1477 | laptop | Noun | A2 | il computer portatile |
1478 | large | Adjective | A1 | grande |
1479 | largely | Adverb | B2 | in gran parte |
1480 | last1 (final) | det., Adverb n | A1, A2 | last1 (finale) |
1481 | last1 (taking time) | Verb | A2 | last1 (prendendo tempo) |
1482 | late | Adjective Adverb | A1 | in ritardo |
1483 | later | Adverb , Adjective | A1, A2 | dopo |
1484 | latest | Adjective , Noun | B1, B2 | più recente |
1485 | laugh | Verb Noun | A1 | ridere |
1486 | laughter | Noun | A2 | risata |
1487 | launch | Verb Noun | B2 | lanciare |
1488 | law | Noun | A2 | legge |
1489 | lawyer | Noun | A2 | avvocato |
1490 | lay | Verb | B1 | posare |
1491 | layer | Noun | B1 | strato |
1492 | lazy | Adjective | A2 | pigro |
1493 | lead | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | piombo |
1494 | leader | Noun | A2 | capo |
1495 | leadership | Noun | B2 | comando |
1496 | leading | Adjective | B1 | principale |
1497 | leaf | Noun | B1 | foglia |
1498 | league | Noun | B2 | lega |
1499 | lean | Verb | B2 | magro |
1500 | learn | Verb | A1 | imparare |
1501 | learning | Noun | A2 | apprendimento |
1502 | least | det./proNoun Adverb | A2 | meno |
1503 | leather | Noun | B1 | pelle |
1504 | leave | Verb , Noun | A1, B2 | partire |
1505 | lecture | Noun Verb | A2 | conferenza |
1506 | left | Adjective Adverb Verb | A1 | sinistra |
1507 | leg | Noun | A1 | gamba |
1508 | legal | Adjective | B1 | legale |
1509 | leisure | Noun | B1 | tempo libero |
1510 | lemon | Noun | A2 | Limone |
1511 | lend | Verb | A2 | prestare |
1512 | length | Noun | B1 | lunghezza |
1513 | less | det./pro Noun Adverb | A2 | Di meno |
1514 | lesson | Noun | A1 | lezione |
1515 | let | Verb | A1 | permettere |
1516 | letter | Noun | A1 | lettera |
1517 | level | Noun, Adjective , Verb | A2, B1, B2 | livello |
1518 | library | Noun | A1 | biblioteca |
1519 | licence | Noun | B2 | licenza |
1520 | lie | Verb | A1 | menzogna |
1521 | lie | Verb Noun | B2 | menzogna |
1522 | life | Noun | A1 | vita |
1523 | lifestyle | Noun | A2 | stile di vita |
1524 | lift | Verb | Noun | sollevamento |
1525 | light (from the sun/a lamp) | Noun Adverb , Verb | A1, A2 | luce (del sole / lampada) |
1526 | light (not heavy) | Adjective | A2 | luce (non pesante) |
1527 | like (similar) | prep. | A1 | come (simile) |
1528 | like (find sb/sth pleasant) | Verb , n | A1, B1 | come (trovare sb / sth piacevole) |
1529 | Noun | B1 | | sostantivo |
1530 | likely | Adjective | A2 | probabile |
1531 | limit | Noun Verb | B1 | limite |
1532 | limited | Adjective | B2 | limitato |
1533 | line | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | linea |
1534 | link | Noun Verb | A2 | collegamento |
1535 | lion | Noun | A1 | Leone |
1536 | lip | Noun | B1 | labbro |
1537 | liquid | Noun Adjective | B1 | liquido |
1538 | list | Noun Verb | A1 | elenco |
1539 | listen | Verb | A1 | ascolta |
1540 | listener | Noun | A2 | ascoltatore |
1541 | literature | Noun | B1 | letteratura |
1542 | little | Adjective det./proNoun, Adverb | A1, A2 | poco |
1543 | live1 | Verb | A1 | live1 |
1544 | live2 | Adjective Adverb | B1 | live2 |
1545 | lively | Adjective | B2 | vivace |
1546 | living | Adjective Noun | B1 | vita |
1547 | load | Noun Verb | B2 | caricare |
1548 | loan | Noun | B2 | prestito |
1549 | local | Adjective , Noun | A1, B1 | Locale |
1550 | locate | Verb | B1 | individuare |
1551 | located | Adjective | B1 | collocato |
1552 | location | Noun | B1 | Posizione |
1553 | lock | Verb Noun | A2 | serratura |
1554 | logical | Adjective | B2 | logico |
1555 | lonely | Adjective | B1 | solitario |
1556 | long | Adjective Adverb | A1 | lungo |
1557 | long-term | Adjective Adverb | B2 | lungo termine |
1558 | look | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | Guarda |
1559 | loose | Adjective | B2 | perdere |
1560 | lord | Noun | B2 | signore |
1561 | lorry | Noun | A2 | camion |
1562 | lose | Verb | A1 | perdere |
1563 | loss | Noun | B1 | perdita |
1564 | lost | Adjective | A2 | perso |
1565 | lot | proNoun det. Adverb | A1 | lotto |
1566 | loud | Adjective Adverb | A2 | forte |
1567 | loudly | Adverb | A2 | a voce alta |
1568 | love | Noun Verb | A1 | amore |
1569 | lovely | Adjective | A2 | bello |
1570 | low | Adjective Adverb , n | A2, B2 | Basso |
1571 | lower | Verb | B2 | inferiore |
1572 | luck | Noun | A2 | fortuna |
1573 | lucky | Adjective | A2 | fortunato |
1574 | lunch | Noun | A1 | pranzo |
1575 | lung | Noun | B2 | polmone |
1576 | luxury | Noun | B1 | lusso |
1577 | machine | Noun | A1 | macchina |
1578 | mad | Adjective | B1 | pazzo |
1579 | magazine | Noun | A1 | rivista |
1580 | magic | Noun Adjective | B1 | Magia |
1581 | mail | Noun Verb | A2 | posta |
1582 | main | Adjective | A1 | principale |
1583 | mainly | Adverb | B1 | principalmente |
1584 | maintain | Verb | B2 | mantenere |
1585 | major | Adjective | A2 | maggiore |
1586 | majority | Noun | B2 | maggioranza |
1587 | make | Verb , Noun | A1, B2 | rendere |
1588 | male | Adjective Noun | A2 | maschio |
1589 | mall | Noun | B1 | centro commerciale |
1590 | man | Noun | A1 | uomo |
1591 | manage | Verb | A2 | gestire |
1592 | management | Noun | B1 | gestione |
1593 | manager | Noun | A2 | manager |
1594 | manner | Noun | A2 | maniera |
1595 | many | det./proNoun | A1 | molti |
1596 | map | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | carta geografica |
1597 | March | Noun | A1 | marzo |
1598 | mark | Verb Noun | A2 | marchio |
1599 | market | Noun, Verb | A1, B1 | mercato |
1600 | marketing | Noun | B1 | marketing |
1601 | marriage | Noun | B1 | matrimonio |
1602 | married | Adjective | A1 | sposato |
1603 | marry | Verb | A2 | sposare |
1604 | mass | Noun Adjective | B2 | massa |
1605 | massive | Adjective | B2 | massiccio |
1606 | master | Noun Verb | B2 | maestro |
1607 | match (contest/correspond) | Noun Verb | A1 | partita (contest / corrispondono) |
1608 | matching | Adjective | B2 | accoppiamento |
1609 | material | Noun, Adjective | A2, B2 | Materiale |
1610 | mathematics | Noun | A2 | matematica |
1611 | maths | Noun | A2 | matematica |
1612 | matter | Noun Verb | A2 | importa |
1613 | maximum | Adjective Noun | B2 | massimo |
1614 | May | Noun | A1 | Maggio |
1615 | may modal | Verb | A2 | può modale |
1616 | maybe | Adverb | A1 | può essere |
1617 | me | proNoun | A1 | me |
1618 | meal | Noun | A1 | pasto |
1619 | mean | Verb | A1 | significare |
1620 | meaning | Noun | A1 | senso |
1621 | means | Noun | B2 | si intende |
1622 | meanwhile | Adverb | B1 | nel frattempo |
1623 | measure | Verb Noun | B1 | misurare |
1624 | measurement | Noun | B2 | misurazione |
1625 | meat | Noun | A1 | carne |
1626 | media | Noun | A2 | media |
1627 | medical | Adjective | A2 | medico |
1628 | medicine | Noun | A2 | medicinale |
1629 | medium | Adjective , Noun | B1, B2 | medio |
1630 | meet | Verb | A1 | incontrare |
1631 | meeting | Noun | A1 | incontro |
1632 | melt | Verb | B2 | fusione |
1633 | member | Noun | A1 | membro |
1634 | memory | Noun | A2 | memoria |
1635 | mental | Adjective | B1 | mentale |
1636 | mention | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | citare |
1637 | menu | Noun | A1 | menù |
1638 | mess | Noun Verb | B1 | pasticcio |
1639 | message | Noun | A1 | Messaggio |
1640 | metal | Noun | A2 | metallo |
1641 | method | Noun | A2 | metodo |
1642 | metre | Noun | A1 | metro |
1643 | middle | Noun Adjective | A2 | mezzo |
1644 | midnight | Noun | A1 | mezzanotte |
1645 | might modal | Verb | A2 | potrebbe modale |
1646 | mild | Adjective | B1 | blando |
1647 | mile | Noun | A1 | miglio |
1648 | military | Adjective Noun | B2 | militare |
1649 | milk | Noun | A1 | latte |
1650 | million number | | A1 | milioni il numero |
1651 | mind | Noun Verb | A2 | mente |
1652 | mine (belongs to me) | proNoun | A2 | la mia (appartiene a me) |
1653 | mine (hole in the ground) | Noun | B1 | miniera (buco nel terreno) |
1654 | mineral | Noun | B2 | minerale |
1655 | minimum | Adjective Noun | B2 | minimo |
1656 | minister | Noun | B2 | ministro |
1657 | minor | Adjective | B2 | minore |
1658 | minority | Noun | B2 | minoranza |
1659 | minute | Noun | A1 | minuto |
1660 | mirror | Noun | A2 | specchio |
1661 | miss | Verb | A1 | Perdere |
1662 | missing | Adjective | A2 | mancante |
1663 | mission | Noun | B2 | missione |
1664 | mistake | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | sbaglio |
1665 | mix | Verb Noun | B1 | mescolare |
1666 | mixed | Adjective | B2 | misto |
1667 | mixture | Noun | B1 | miscela |
1668 | mobile | Adjective Noun | A2 | mobile |
1669 | model | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | modello |
1670 | modern | Adjective | A1 | moderno |
1671 | modify | Verb | B2 | modificare |
1672 | moment | Noun | A1 | momento |
1673 | Monday | Noun | A1 | Lunedi |
1674 | money | Noun | A1 | i soldi |
1675 | monitor | Noun Verb | B2 | tenere sotto controllo |
1676 | monkey | Noun | A2 | scimmia |
1677 | month | Noun | A1 | mese |
1678 | mood | Noun | B1 | umore |
1679 | moon | Noun | A2 | Luna |
1680 | moral | Adjective Noun | B2 | morale |
1681 | more | det./proNoun Adverb | A1 | Di Più |
1682 | morning | Noun | A1 | mattina |
1683 | most | det./proNoun Adverb | A1 | maggior parte |
1684 | mostly | Adverb | A2 | soprattutto |
1685 | mother | Noun | A1 | madre |
1686 | motor | Noun Adjective | B2 | il motore |
1687 | motorcycle | Noun | A2 | motociclo |
1688 | mount | Verb | B2 | montare |
1689 | mountain | Noun | A1 | montagna |
1690 | mouse | Noun | A1 | topo |
1691 | mouth | Noun | A1 | bocca |
1692 | move | Verb , Noun | A1, B1 | mossa |
1693 | movement | Noun | A2 | movimento |
1694 | movie | Noun | A1 | film |
1695 | much | det./proNoun Adverb | A1 | tanto |
1696 | mud | Noun | B1 | fango |
1697 | multiple | Adjective | B2 | multiplo |
1698 | multiply | Verb | B2 | moltiplicare |
1699 | mum | Noun | A1 | mamma |
1700 | murder | NounVerb | B1 | omicidio |
1701 | muscle | Noun | B1 | muscolo |
1702 | museum | Noun | A1 | Museo |
1703 | music | Noun | A1 | musica |
1704 | musical | Adjective , Noun | A2, B1 | musicale |
1705 | musician | Noun | A2 | musicista |
1706 | must modal | Verb | A1 | deve modale |
1707 | my | det. | A1 | mio |
1708 | myself | proNoun | A2 | me stessa |
1709 | mysterious | Adjective | B2 | misterioso |
1710 | mystery | Noun | B1 | mistero |
1711 | nail | Noun | B1 | chiodo |
1712 | name | Noun Verb | A1 | nome |
1713 | narrative | Noun Adjective | B1 | narrazione |
1714 | narrow | Adjective , Verb | A2, B2 | stretto |
1715 | nation | Noun | B1 | nazione |
1716 | national | Adjective , Noun | A2, B2 | nazionale |
1717 | native | Adjective Noun | B1 | nativo |
1718 | natural | Adjective | A1 | naturale |
1719 | naturally | Adverb | B1 | naturalmente |
1720 | nature | Noun | A2 | natura |
1721 | near | prep. Adjective Adverb | A1 | vicino |
1722 | nearly | Adverb | A2 | quasi |
1723 | neat | Adjective | B2 | pulito |
1724 | necessarily | Adverb | B1 | necessariamente |
1725 | necessary | Adjective | A2 | necessario |
1726 | neck | Noun | A2 | collo |
1727 | need | Verb , Noun, modal Verb | A1, A2, B1 | bisogno |
1728 | needle | Noun | B1 | ago |
1729 | negative | Adjective , Noun | A1, B2 | negativo |
1730 | neighbour | Noun | A1 | vicino di casa |
1731 | neighbourhood | Noun | B1 | Quartiere |
1732 | neither | det./proNoun, Adverb | A2, B1 | né |
1733 | nerve | Noun | B2 | nervo |
1734 | nervous | Adjective | A2 | nervoso |
1735 | net | Noun | B1 | netto |
1736 | network | Noun | A2 | Rete |
1737 | never | Adverb | A1 | mai |
1738 | nevertheless | Adverb | B2 | tuttavia |
1739 | new | Adjective | A1 | nuovo |
1740 | news | Noun | A1 | notizia |
1741 | newspaper | Noun | A1 | giornale |
1742 | next | Adjective Adverb , Noun | A1, B1 | Il prossimo |
1743 | next to | prep. | A1 | accanto a |
1744 | nice | Adjective | A1 | simpatico |
1745 | night | Noun | A1 | notte |
1746 | nightmare | Noun | B2 | incubo |
1747 | nine | number | A1 | nove |
1748 | nineteen | number | A1 | diciannove |
1749 | ninety | number | A1 | novanta |
1750 | no | exclam. det. | A1 | no |
1751 | no one | proNoun | A1 | nessuno |
1752 | nobody | proNoun | A1 | nessuno |
1753 | noise | Noun | A2 | rumore |
1754 | noisy | Adjective | A2 | rumoroso |
1755 | none | pro Noun | A2 | nessuna |
1756 | nor | conj./Adverb | B1 | né |
1757 | normal | Adjective , Noun | A2, B1 | normale |
1758 | normally | Adverb | A2 | normalmente |
1759 | north | Noun Adjective Adverb | A1 | nord |
1760 | northern | Adjective | B1 | settentrionale |
1761 | nose | Noun | A1 | naso |
1762 | not | Adverb | A1 | non |
1763 | note | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | Nota |
1764 | nothing | proNoun | A1 | Niente |
1765 | notice | Verb Noun | A2 | Avviso |
1766 | notion | Noun | B2 | nozione |
1767 | novel | Noun | A2 | romanzo |
1768 | November | Noun | A1 | novembre |
1769 | now | Adverb , conj. | A1, B1 | adesso |
1770 | nowhere | Adverb | A2 | Da nessuna parte |
1771 | nuclear | Adjective | B1 | nucleare |
1772 | number | Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | numero |
1773 | numerous | Adjective | B2 | numerose |
1774 | nurse | Noun | A1 | infermiera |
1775 | nut | Noun | A2 | Noce |
1776 | obey | Verb | B2 | obbedire |
1777 | object | Noun Verb | A1, B2 | oggetto |
1778 | objective | Noun Adjective | B2 | obbiettivo |
1779 | obligation | Noun | B2 | obbligo |
1780 | observation | Noun | B2 | osservazione |
1781 | observe | Verb | B2 | osservare |
1782 | obtain | Verb | B2 | ottenere |
1783 | obvious | Adjective | B1 | evidente |
1784 | obviously | Adverb | B1 | ovviamente |
1785 | occasion | Noun | B1 | occasione |
1786 | occasionally | Adverb | B2 | occasionalmente |
1787 | occur | Verb | B1 | si verificano |
1788 | ocean | Noun | A2 | oceano |
1789 | o’clock | Adverb | A1 | alle |
1790 | October | Noun | A1 | ottobre |
1791 | odd | Adjective | B1 | dispari |
1792 | of | prep. | A1 | di |
1793 | off | Adverb prep. | A1 | via |
1794 | offence | Noun | B2 | offesa |
1795 | offend | Verb | B2 | offendere |
1796 | offensive | Adjective | B2 | offensivo |
1797 | offer | Verb Noun | A2 | offrire |
1798 | office | Noun | A1 | ufficio |
1799 | officer | Noun | A2 | ufficiale |
1800 | official | Adjective , Noun | B1, B2 | ufficiale |
1801 | often | Adverb | A1 | spesso |
1802 | oh | exclam. | A1 | Oh |
1803 | oil | Noun | A2 | olio |
1804 | OK | exclam. Adjective /Adverb | A1 | ok |
1805 | old | Adjective | A1 | vecchio |
1806 | old-fashioned | Adjective | B1 | vecchio stile |
1807 | on | prep. Adverb | A1 | sopra |
1808 | once | Adverb , conj. | A1, B1 | una volta |
1809 | one | number-det. proNoun | A1 | uno |
1810 | onion | Noun | A1 | cipolla |
1811 | online | Adjective Adverb | A1 | in linea |
1812 | only | Adjective Adverb | A1 | solo |
1813 | onto | prep. | A2 | su |
1814 | open | Adjective Verb | A1 | Aperto |
1815 | opening | Noun | B2 | apertura |
1816 | operate | Verb | B2 | operare |
1817 | operation | Noun | B1 | operazione |
1818 | opinion | Noun | A1 | opinione |
1819 | opponent | Noun | B2 | avversario |
1820 | opportunity | Noun | A2 | opportunità |
1821 | oppose | Verb | B2 | opporsi |
1822 | opposed | Adjective | B2 | contrario |
1823 | opposite | Adjective Adverb prep. Noun | A1 | di fronte |
1824 | opposition | Noun | B2 | opposizione |
1825 | option | Noun | A2 | opzione |
1826 | or | conj. | A1 | o |
1827 | orange | Noun Adjective | A1 | arancia |
1828 | order | Noun Verb | A1 | ordine |
1829 | ordinary | Adjective | A2 | ordinario |
1830 | organ | Noun | B2 | organo |
1831 | organization | Noun | A2 | organizzazione |
1832 | organize | Verb | A2 | organizzare |
1833 | organized | Adjective | B1 | organizzato |
1834 | organizer | Noun | B1 | organizzatore |
1835 | origin | Noun | B2 | origine |
1836 | original | Adjective , Noun | A2, B1 | originale |
1837 | originally | Adverb | B1 | originariamente |
1838 | other | Adjective /proNoun | A1 | altro |
1839 | otherwise | Adverb | B2 | altrimenti |
1840 | ought | modal Verb | B1 | dovrebbe |
1841 | our | det. | A1 | nostro |
1842 | ours | proNoun | B1 | nostro |
1843 | ourselves | proNoun | A2 | noi stessi |
1844 | out | Adverb /prep. | A1 | su |
1845 | outcome | Noun | B2 | risultato |
1846 | outdoor | Adjective | B1 | all'aperto |
1847 | outdoors | Adverb | B1 | all'aperto |
1848 | outer | Adjective | B2 | esterno |
1849 | outline | Noun Verb | B2 | contorno |
1850 | outside | Adverb , prep. nouNoun Adjective | A1, A2 | al di fuori |
1851 | oven | Noun | A2 | forno |
1852 | over | prep. Adverb | A1 | al di sopra di |
1853 | overall | Adjective Adverb | B2 | complessivamente |
1854 | owe | Verb | B2 | dovere |
1855 | own | Adjective /proNoun, Verb | A1, A2 | proprio |
1856 | owner | Noun | A2 | proprietario |
1857 | pace | Noun, Verb | B2 | ritmo |
1858 | pack | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | imballare |
1859 | package | Noun, Verb | B1, B2 | pacchetto |
1860 | page | Noun | A1 | pagina |
1861 | pain | Noun | A2 | dolore |
1862 | painful | Adjective | B1 | doloroso |
1863 | paint | Verb Noun | A1 | dipingere |
1864 | painter | Noun | A2 | pittore |
1865 | painting | Noun | A1 | pittura |
1866 | pair | Noun | A1 | paio |
1867 | palace | Noun | A2 | palazzo |
1868 | pale | Adjective | B1 | pallido |
1869 | pan | Noun | B1 | padella |
1870 | panel | Noun | B2 | pannello |
1871 | pants | Noun | A2 | pantaloni |
1872 | paper | Noun | A1 | carta |
1873 | paragraph | Noun | A1 | paragrafo |
1874 | parent | Noun | A1 | genitore |
1875 | park | Noun Verb | A1 | parco |
1876 | parking | Noun | A2 | parcheggio |
1877 | parliament | Noun | B2 | parlamento |
1878 | part | Noun | A1 | parte |
1879 | participant | Noun | B2 | partecipante |
1880 | participate | Verb | B1 | partecipare |
1881 | particular | Adjective | A2 | particolare |
1882 | particularly | Adverb | B1 | in particolar modo |
1883 | partly | Adverb | B2 | in parte |
1884 | partner | Noun | A1 | compagno |
1885 | party | Noun | A1 | festa |
1886 | pass | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | passaggio |
1887 | passage | Noun | B2 | passaggio |
1888 | passenger | Noun | A2 | passeggeri |
1889 | passion | Noun | B1 | passione |
1890 | passport | Noun | A1 | passaporto |
1891 | past | Adjective Noun prep., Adverb | A1, A2 | passato |
1892 | path | Noun | B1 | sentiero |
1893 | patient | Noun, Adjective | A2, B2 | paziente |
1894 | pattern | Noun | A2 | modello |
1895 | pay | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | pagare |
1896 | payment | Noun | B1 | pagamento |
1897 | peace | Noun | A2 | pace |
1898 | peaceful | Adjective | B1 | tranquillo, calmo |
1899 | pen | Noun | A1 | penna |
1900 | pencil | Noun | A1 | matita |
1901 | penny | Noun | A2 | centesimo |
1902 | pension | Noun | B2 | pensione |
1903 | people | Noun | A1 | persone |
1904 | pepper | Noun | A1 | Pepe |
1905 | per | prep. | A2 | per |
1906 | per cent | Noun Adjective /Adverb | A2 | per cento |
1907 | percentage | Noun | B1 | percentuale |
1908 | perfect | Adjective | A1 | Perfetto |
1909 | perfectly | Adverb | B1 | perfettamente |
1910 | perform | Verb | A2 | eseguire |
1911 | performance | Noun | B1 | prestazione |
1912 | perhaps | Adverb | A2 | Forse |
1913 | period | Noun | A1 | periodo |
1914 | permanent | Adjective | B2 | permanente |
1915 | permission | Noun | A2 | autorizzazione |
1916 | permit | Verb Noun | B2 | permesso |
1917 | person | Noun | A1 | persona |
1918 | personal | Adjective | A1 | personale |
1919 | personality | Noun | A2 | personalità |
1920 | personally | Adverb | B1 | personalmente |
1921 | perspective | Noun | B2 | prospettiva |
1922 | persuade | Verb | B1 | persuadere |
1923 | pet | Noun | A2 | animale domestico |
1924 | petrol | Noun | A2 | benzina |
1925 | phase | Noun | B2 | fase |
1926 | phenomenon | Noun | B2 | fenomeno |
1927 | philosophy | Noun | B2 | filosofia |
1928 | phone | Noun Verb | A1 | Telefono |
1929 | photo | Noun | A1 | foto |
1930 | photograph | Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | fotografia |
1931 | photographer | Noun | B1 | fotografo |
1932 | photography | Noun | B1 | fotografia |
1933 | phrase | Noun | A1 | frase |
1934 | physical | Adjective | A2 | fisico |
1935 | physics | Noun | A2 | fisica |
1936 | piano | Noun | A1 | pianoforte |
1937 | pick | Verb , Noun | A2, B2 | raccogliere |
1938 | picture | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | immagine |
1939 | piece | Noun | A1 | pezzo |
1940 | pig | Noun | A1 | maiale |
1941 | pile | Noun Verb | B2 | mucchio |
1942 | pilot | Noun | A2 | pilota |
1943 | pin | Noun Verb | B1 | perno |
1944 | pink | Adjective Noun | A1 | rosa |
1945 | pipe | Noun | B1 | tubo |
1946 | pitch | Noun | B2 | intonazione |
1947 | place | Noun Verb | A1, B1 | posto |
1948 | plain | Adjective | B2 | pianura |
1949 | plan | Noun Verb | A1 | Piano |
1950 | plane | Noun | A1 | aereo |
1951 | planet | Noun | A2 | pianeta |
1952 | planning | Noun | B1 | pianificazione |
1953 | plant | Noun Verb | A1, A2 | pianta |
1954 | plastic | Noun Adjective | A2 | plastica |
1955 | plate | Noun | A2 | piatto |
1956 | platform | Noun | A2 | piattaforma |
1957 | play | Verb Noun | A1 | giocare |
1958 | player | Noun | A1 | giocatore |
1959 | pleasant | Adjective | B1 | piacevole |
1960 | please | exclam., Verb | A1, A2 | per favore |
1961 | pleased | Adjective | A2 | lieta |
1962 | pleasure | Noun | B1 | piacere |
1963 | plenty | proNoun | B1 | abbondanza |
1964 | plot | Noun, Verb | B1, B2 | tracciare |
1965 | plus | prep., Adjective conj., Noun | B1, B2 | più |
1966 | pocket | Noun | A2 | tasca |
1967 | poem | Noun | B1 | poesia |
1968 | poet | Noun | B1 | poeta |
1969 | poetry | Noun | B1 | poesia |
1970 | point | Noun, Verb | A1, B1 | punto |
1971 | pointed | Adjective | B2 | appuntito |
1972 | poison | Noun Verb | B1 | veleno |
1973 | poisonous | Adjective | B1 | velenoso |
1974 | police | Noun | A1 | polizia |
1975 | policeman | Noun | A1 | poliziotto |
1976 | policy | Noun | B1 | politica |
1977 | polite | Adjective | A2 | gentile |
1978 | political | Adjective | B1 | politico |
1979 | politician | Noun | B1 | politico |
1980 | politics | Noun | B1 | politica |
1981 | pollution | Noun | A2 | inquinamento |
1982 | pool | Noun | A1 | piscina |
1983 | poor | Adjective | A1 | povero |
1984 | pop | Noun Adjective | A2 | pop |
1985 | popular | Adjective | A1 | popolare |
1986 | popularity | Noun | B2 | popolarità |
1987 | population | Noun | A2 | popolazione |
1988 | port | Noun | B1 | porta |
1989 | portrait | Noun | B1 | ritratto |
1990 | pose | Verb | B2 | posa |
1991 | position | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | posizione |
1992 | positive | Adjective , Noun | A1, B2 | positivo |
1993 | possess | Verb | B2 | possedere |
1994 | possession | Noun | A2 | possesso |
1995 | possibility | Noun | A2 | possibilità |
1996 | possible | Adjective | A1 | possibile |
1997 | possibly | Adverb | B1 | possibilmente |
1998 | post | Noun Verb | A1 | inviare |
1999 | poster | Noun | A2 | manifesto |
2000 | pot | Noun | B1 | pentola |
2001 | potato | Noun | A1 | Patata |
2002 | potential | Adjective Noun | B2 | potenziale |
2003 | pound | Noun | A1 | libbra |
2004 | pour | Verb | B1 | versare |
2005 | poverty | Noun | B1 | povertà |
2006 | powder | Noun | B1 | polvere |
2007 | power | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | energia |
2008 | powerful | Adjective | B1 | potente |
2009 | practical | Adjective | B1 | pratico |
2010 | practice | Noun | A1 | pratica |
2011 | practise | Verb | A1 | pratica |
2012 | praise | Noun Verb | B2 | lode |
2013 | pray | Verb | B1 | pregare |
2014 | prayer | Noun | B1 | preghiera |
2015 | predict | Verb | A2 | predire |
2016 | prediction | Noun | B1 | predizione |
2017 | prefer | Verb | A1 | preferire |
2018 | pregnant | Adjective | B2 | incinta |
2019 | preparation | Noun | B2 | preparazione |
2020 | prepare | Verb | A1 | preparare |
2021 | prepared | Adjective | B1 | preparato |
2022 | presence | Noun | B2 | presenza |
2023 | present | Adjective Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | presente |
2024 | presentation | Noun | B1 | presentazione |
2025 | preserve | Verb | B2 | conserva |
2026 | president | Noun | A2 | Presidente |
2027 | press | Verb Noun | B1 | stampa |
2028 | pressure | Noun | B1 | pressione |
2029 | pretend | Verb | B1 | fare finta |
2030 | pretty | Adjective Adverb | A1 | bella |
2031 | prevent | Verb | A2 | impedire |
2032 | previous | Adjective | B1 | precedente |
2033 | previously | Adverb | B1 | in precedenza |
2034 | price | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | prezzo |
2035 | priest | Noun | B1 | sacerdote |
2036 | primary | Adjective | B1 | primario |
2037 | prime | Adjective | B2 | primo |
2038 | prince | Noun | B1 | Principe |
2039 | princess | Noun | B1 | Principessa |
2040 | principle | Noun | B2 | principio |
2041 | print | Verb , Noun | A2, B2 | Stampa |
2042 | printer | Noun | A2 | stampante |
2043 | printing | Noun | B1 | stampa |
2044 | priority | Noun | B2 | priorità |
2045 | prison | Noun | A2 | prigione |
2046 | prisoner | Noun | B1 | prigioniero |
2047 | privacy | Noun | B2 | vita privata |
2048 | private | Adjective | B1 | privato |
2049 | prize | Noun | A2 | premio |
2050 | probably | Adverb | A1 | probabilmente |
2051 | problem | Noun | A1 | problema |
2052 | procedure | Noun | B2 | procedura |
2053 | process | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | processi |
2054 | produce | Verb , Verb | A2, B2 | produrre |
2055 | producer | Noun | B1 | produttore |
2056 | product | Noun | A1 | Prodotto |
2057 | production | Noun | B1 | produzione |
2058 | profession | Noun | B1 | professione |
2059 | professional | Adjective , Noun | A2, B2 | professionale |
2060 | professor | Noun | A2 | Professore |
2061 | profile | Noun | A2 | profilo |
2062 | profit | Noun | B1 | profitto |
2063 | program | Noun, Verb | A2, B1 | programma |
2064 | programme | Noun | A1 | programma |
2065 | progress | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | progresso |
2066 | project | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | progetto |
2067 | promise | Verb Noun | A2 | promettere |
2068 | promote | Verb | B1 | promuovere |
2069 | pronounce | Verb | A2 | pronunciare |
2070 | proof | Noun | B2 | prova |
2071 | proper | Adjective | B1 | corretto |
2072 | properly | Adverb | B1 | propriamente |
2073 | property | Noun | B1 | proprietà |
2074 | proposal | Noun | B2 | proposta |
2075 | propose | Verb | B2 | proporre |
2076 | prospect | Noun | B2 | prospettiva |
2077 | protect | Verb | A2 | proteggere |
2078 | protection | Noun | B2 | protezione |
2079 | protest | Noun Verb | B1 | protesta |
2080 | proud | Adjective | B1 | orgoglioso |
2081 | prove | Verb | B1 | dimostrare |
2082 | provide | Verb | A2 | fornire |
2083 | psychologist | Noun | B2 | psicologo |
2084 | psychology | Noun | B2 | psicologia |
2085 | pub | Noun | A2 | pub |
2086 | public | Adjective Noun | A2 | pubblico |
2087 | publication | Noun | B2 | pubblicazione |
2088 | publish | Verb | A2 | pubblicare |
2089 | pull | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | Tirare |
2090 | punish | Verb | B1 | punire |
2091 | punishment | Noun | B1 | punizione |
2092 | pupil | Noun | B2 | allievo |
2093 | purchase | Noun Verb | B2 | Acquista |
2094 | pure | Adjective | B2 | puro |
2095 | purple | Adjective Noun | A1 | viola |
2096 | purpose | Noun | A2 | scopo |
2097 | pursue | Verb | B2 | perseguire |
2098 | push | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | spingere |
2099 | put | Verb | A1 | mettere |
2100 | qualification | Noun | B1 | qualificazione |
2101 | qualified | Adjective | B1 | qualificato |
2102 | qualify | Verb | B1 | qualificarsi |
2103 | quality | Noun | A2 | qualità |
2104 | quantity | Noun | A2 | quantità |
2105 | quarter | Noun | A1 | trimestre |
2106 | queen | Noun | A2 | Regina |
2107 | question | Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | domanda |
2108 | queue | Noun Verb | B1 | coda |
2109 | quick | Adjective | A1 | Presto |
2110 | quickly | Adverb | A1 | velocemente |
2111 | quiet | Adjective | A1 | silenzioso |
2112 | quietly | Adverb | A2 | tranquillamente |
2113 | quit | Verb | B1 | smettere |
2114 | quite | Adverb | A1 | abbastanza |
2115 | quotation | Noun | B1 | Quotazione |
2116 | quote | Verb Noun | B1 | citazione |
2117 | race (competition) | NounVerb | A2 | gara (concorrenza) |
2118 | race (people) | Noun | B1 | gara (persone) |
2119 | racing | Noun | B1 | da corsa |
2120 | radio | Noun | A1 | Radio |
2121 | railway | Noun | A2 | ferrovia |
2122 | rain | Noun Verb | A1 | pioggia |
2123 | raise | Verb | A2 | aumentare |
2124 | range | Noun, Verb | B1, B2 | gamma |
2125 | rank | Noun Verb | B2 | rango |
2126 | rapid | Adjective | B2 | rapido |
2127 | rapidly | Adverb | B2 | rapidamente |
2128 | rare | Adjective | B1 | raro |
2129 | rarely | Adverb | B1 | raramente |
2130 | rate | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | Vota |
2131 | rather | Adverb | A2 | piuttosto |
2132 | raw | Adjective | B2 | crudo |
2133 | reach | Verb , Noun | A2, B2 | raggiungere |
2134 | react | Verb | A2 | reagire |
2135 | reaction | Noun | B1 | reazione |
2136 | read | Verb | A1 | leggere |
2137 | reader | Noun | A1 | lettore |
2138 | reading | Noun | A1 | lettura |
2139 | ready | Adjective | A1 | pronto |
2140 | real | Adjective | A1 | vero |
2141 | realistic | Adjective | B2 | realistico |
2142 | reality | Noun | B1 | la realtà |
2143 | realize | Verb | A2 | rendersi conto |
2144 | really | Adverb | A1 | veramente |
2145 | reason | Noun | A1 | Motivo |
2146 | reasonable | Adjective | B2 | ragionevole |
2147 | recall | Verb | B2 | richiamare |
2148 | receipt | Noun | B1 | ricevuta |
2149 | receive | Verb | A2 | ricevere |
2150 | recent | Adjective | A2 | recente |
2151 | recently | Adverb | A2 | recentemente |
2152 | reception | Noun | A2 | ricezione |
2153 | recipe | Noun | A2 | ricetta |
2154 | recognize | Verb | A2 | riconoscere |
2155 | recommend | Verb | A2 | raccomandare |
2156 | recommendation | Noun | B1 | raccomandazione |
2157 | record | Noun Verb | A2 | disco |
2158 | recording | Noun | A2 | registrazione |
2159 | recover | Verb | B2 | recuperare |
2160 | recycle | Verb | A2 | riciclare |
2161 | red | Adjective Noun | A1 | rosso |
2162 | reduce | Verb | A2 | ridurre |
2163 | reduction | Noun | B2 | riduzione |
2164 | refer | Verb | A2 | fare riferimento |
2165 | reference | Noun | B1 | riferimento |
2166 | reflect | Verb | B1 | riflettere |
2167 | refuse | Verb | A2 | rifiuto |
2168 | regard | Verb Noun | B2 | considerare |
2169 | region | Noun | A2 | regione |
2170 | regional | Adjective | B2 | regionale |
2171 | register | Verb Noun | B2 | Registrati |
2172 | regret | Verb Noun | B2 | rimpiangere |
2173 | regular | Adjective | A2 | regolare |
2174 | regularly | Adverb | B1 | regolarmente |
2175 | regulation | Noun | B2 | regolamento |
2176 | reject | Verb | B1 | rifiutare |
2177 | relate | Verb | B1 | riferirsi |
2178 | related | Adjective | B1 | relazionato |
2179 | relation | Noun | B1 | relazione |
2180 | relationship | Noun | A2 | relazione |
2181 | relative | Adjective Noun | B1 | parente |
2182 | relatively | Adverb | B2 | relativamente |
2183 | relax | Verb | A1 | rilassare |
2184 | relaxed | Adjective | B1 | rilassato |
2185 | relaxing | Adjective | B1 | rilassante |
2186 | release | Verb Noun | B1 | pubblicazione |
2187 | relevant | Adjective | B2 | pertinente |
2188 | reliable | Adjective | B1 | affidabile |
2189 | relief | Noun | B2 | sollievo |
2190 | religion | Noun | B1 | religione |
2191 | religious | Adjective | B1 | religioso |
2192 | rely | Verb | B2 | fare affidamento |
2193 | remain | Verb | B1 | rimanere |
2194 | remark | Noun Verb | B2 | osservazione |
2195 | remember | Verb | A1 | ricorda |
2196 | remind | Verb | B1 | ricordare |
2197 | remote | Adjective | B1 | a distanza |
2198 | remove | Verb | A2 | rimuovere |
2199 | rent | Noun Verb | B1 | affitto |
2200 | repair | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | riparazione |
2201 | repeat | Verb , Noun | A1, B1 | ripetere |
2202 | repeated | Adjective | B1 | ripetuto |
2203 | replace | Verb | A2 | sostituire |
2204 | reply | Verb Noun | A2 | rispondere |
2205 | report | Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | rapporto |
2206 | reporter | Noun | A2 | reporter |
2207 | represent | Verb | B1 | rappresentare |
2208 | representative | Noun Adjective | B2 | rappresentante |
2209 | reputation | Noun | B2 | reputazione |
2210 | request | Noun, Verb | A2, B1 | richiesta |
2211 | require | Verb | B1 | richiedere |
2212 | requirement | Noun | B2 | Requisiti |
2213 | rescue | Verb Noun | B2 | salvare |
2214 | research | Noun Verb | A2 | ricerca |
2215 | researcher | Noun | A2 | ricercatore |
2216 | reservation | Noun | B1 | prenotazione |
2217 | reserve | Noun Verb | B2 | Riserva |
2218 | resident | NounAdjective | B2 | residente |
2219 | resist | Verb | B2 | resistere |
2220 | resolve | Verb | B2 | risolvere |
2221 | resort | Noun | B2 | ricorrere |
2222 | resource | Noun | B1 | risorsa |
2223 | respect | Noun Verb | B1 | rispetto |
2224 | respond | Verb | A2 | rispondere |
2225 | response | Noun | A2 | risposta |
2226 | responsibility | Noun | B1 | responsabilità |
2227 | responsible | Adjective | B1 | responsabile |
2228 | rest (remaining part) | Noun | A2 | riposo (parte restante) |
2229 | rest (sleep/relax) | Noun Verb | A2 | riposo (sleep / relax) |
2230 | restaurant | Noun | A1 | ristorante |
2231 | result | Noun, Verb | A1, B1 | risultato |
2232 | retain | Verb | B2 | conservare |
2233 | retire | Verb | B1 | andare in pensione |
2234 | retired | Adjective | B1 | pensionato |
2235 | return | Verb Noun | A1 | ritorno |
2236 | reveal | Verb | B2 | svelare |
2237 | review | Noun Verb | A2 | revisione |
2238 | revise | Verb | B1 | rivedere |
2239 | revolution | Noun | B2 | rivoluzione |
2240 | reward | Noun Verb | B2 | ricompensa |
2241 | rhythm | Noun | B2 | ritmo |
2242 | rice | Noun | A1 | riso |
2243 | rich | Adjective | A1 | ricco |
2244 | rid | Verb | B2 | liberarsi |
2245 | ride | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | cavalcata |
2246 | right | Adjective Adverb Noun | A1 | giusto |
2247 | ring | Noun | A2 | squillare |
2248 | ring | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | squillare |
2249 | rise | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | salire |
2250 | risk | Noun Verb | B1 | rischio |
2251 | river | Noun | A1 | fiume |
2252 | road | Noun | A1 | strada |
2253 | robot | Noun | B1 | robot |
2254 | rock (stone) | Noun | A2 | roccia (pietra) |
2255 | rock (music) | Noun | A2 | musica rock) |
2256 | role | Noun | A2 | ruolo |
2257 | roll | Verb Noun | B1 | rotolo |
2258 | romantic | Adjective | B1 | romantico |
2259 | roof | Noun | A2 | tetto |
2260 | room | Noun | A1 | camera |
2261 | root | Noun | B2 | radice |
2262 | rope | Noun | B1 | corda |
2263 | rough | Adjective | B1 | ruvido |
2264 | round | Adjective Adverb prep., Noun | A2, B2 | il giro |
2265 | route | Noun | A2 | itinerario |
2266 | routine | Noun, Adjective | A1, B2 | routine |
2267 | row | Noun | B1 | riga |
2268 | royal | Adjective | B1 | reale |
2269 | rub | Verb | B2 | strofinare |
2270 | rubber | Noun Adjective | B2 | gomma da cancellare |
2271 | rubbish | Noun | A2 | sciocchezze |
2272 | rude | Adjective | A2 | maleducato |
2273 | rugby | Noun | B1 | Rugby |
2274 | rule | Noun, Verb | A1, B1 | regola |
2275 | run | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | correre |
2276 | runner | Noun | A2 | corridore |
2277 | running | Noun | A2 | in esecuzione |
2278 | rural | Adjective | B2 | rurale |
2279 | rush | Verb Noun | B2 | corsa |
2280 | sad | Adjective | A1 | triste |
2281 | sadly | Adverb | A2 | purtroppo |
2282 | safe | Adjective | A2 | sicuro |
2283 | safety | Noun | B1 | sicurezza |
2284 | sail | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | vela |
2285 | sailing | Noun | A2 | andare in barca |
2286 | sailor | Noun | B1 | marinaio |
2287 | salad | Noun | A1 | insalata |
2288 | salary | Noun | A2 | stipendio |
2289 | sale | Noun | A2 | vendita |
2290 | salt | Noun | A1 | sale |
2291 | same | Adjective proNoun Adverb | A1 | stesso |
2292 | sample | Noun, Verb | B1, B2 | campione |
2293 | sand | Noun | B1 | sabbia |
2294 | sandwich | Noun | A1 | Sandwich |
2295 | satellite | Noun | B2 | satellitare |
2296 | satisfied | Adjective | B2 | soddisfatto |
2297 | satisfy | Verb | B2 | soddisfare |
2298 | Saturday | Noun | A1 | Sabato |
2299 | sauce | Noun | A2 | salsa |
2300 | save | Verb | A2 | Salva |
2301 | saving | Noun | B2 | Salvataggio |
2302 | say | Verb | A1 | dire |
2303 | scale | Noun | B2 | scala |
2304 | scan | Verb | B1 | scansione |
2305 | scared | Adjective | A2 | impaurito |
2306 | scary | Adjective | A2 | pauroso |
2307 | scene | Noun | A2 | scena |
2308 | schedule | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | programma |
2309 | scheme | Noun | B2 | schema |
2310 | school | Noun | A1 | scuola |
2311 | science | Noun | A1 | scienza |
2312 | scientific | Adjective | B1 | scientifico |
2313 | scientist | Noun | A1 | scienziato |
2314 | score | Verb Noun | A2 | Punto |
2315 | scream | Verb Noun | B2 | urlare |
2316 | screen | NounVerb | A2, B2 | schermo |
2317 | script | Noun | B1 | copione |
2318 | sculpture | Noun | B1 | scultura |
2319 | sea | Noun | A1 | mare |
2320 | search | Noun Verb | A2 | ricerca |
2321 | season | Noun | A2 | stagione |
2322 | seat | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | posto a sedere |
2323 | second1 (next after the first) | et./ number, Adverb | A1, A2 | secondo1 (successivo dopo il primo) |
2324 | second1 (unit of time) | Noun | A1 | second1 (unità di tempo) |
2325 | secondary | Adjective | B1 | secondario |
2326 | secondly | Adverb | A2 | in secondo luogo |
2327 | secret | Adjective, Noun | A2 | segreto |
2328 | secretary | Noun | A2 | segretario |
2329 | section | Noun | A1 | sezione |
2330 | sector | Noun | B2 | settore |
2331 | secure | Verb Adjective | B2 | sicuro |
2332 | security | Noun | B1 | sicurezza |
2333 | see | Verb | A1 | vedere |
2334 | seed | Noun | B1 | seme |
2335 | seek | Verb | B2 | ricercare |
2336 | seem | Verb | A2 | sembrare |
2337 | select | Verb | B2 | Selezionare |
2338 | selection | Noun | B2 | selezione |
2339 | self | Noun | B2 | se stesso |
2340 | sell | Verb | A1 | vendere |
2341 | send | Verb | A1 | Spedire |
2342 | senior | Adjective | B2 | anziano |
2343 | sense | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | senso |
2344 | sensible | Adjective | B1 | sensibile |
2345 | sensitive | Adjective | B2 | sensibile |
2346 | sentence | Noun Verb | A1, B2 | frase |
2347 | separate | Adjective, Verb | A2, B1 | separato |
2348 | September | Noun | A1 | settembre |
2349 | sequence | Noun | B2 | sequenza |
2350 | series | Noun | A2 | serie |
2351 | serious | Adjective | A2 | grave |
2352 | seriously | Adverb | B1 | sul serio |
2353 | servant | Noun | B1 | servitore |
2354 | serve | Verb | A2 | servire |
2355 | service | Noun | A2 | servizio |
2356 | session | Noun | B2 | sessione |
2357 | set (put) | Verb | B1 | set (put) |
2358 | set (group) | Noun | B1 | set (gruppo) |
2359 | setting | Noun | B1 | ambientazione |
2360 | settle | Verb | B2 | Risolvere |
2361 | seven | number | A1 | Sette |
2362 | seventeen | number | A1 | diciassette |
2363 | seventy | number | A1 | Settanta |
2364 | several | det./proNoun | A2 | parecchi |
2365 | severe | Adjective | B2 | acuto |
2366 | sex | Noun | B1 | sesso |
2367 | sexual | Adjective | B1 | sessuale |
2368 | shade | Noun | B2 | ombra |
2369 | shadow | Noun | B2 | ombra |
2370 | shake | Verb Noun | A2, B1 | shake |
2371 | shall | modal Verb | A2 | deve |
2372 | shallow | Adjective | B2 | superficiale |
2373 | shame | Noun | B2 | vergogna |
2374 | shape | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | forma |
2375 | share | Verb Noun | A1, B1 | Condividere |
2376 | sharp | Adjective | B1 | acuto |
2377 | she | proNoun | A1 | lei |
2378 | sheep | Noun | A1 | pecora |
2379 | sheet | Noun | A2 | foglio |
2380 | shelf | Noun | B1 | mensola |
2381 | shell | Noun | B1 | conchiglia |
2382 | shelter | Noun Verb | B2 | riparo |
2383 | shift | Noun Verb | B1, B2 | cambio |
2384 | shine | Verb | B1 | splendere |
2385 | shiny | Adjective | B1 | brillante |
2386 | ship | Noun Verb | A2, B2 | nave |
2387 | shirt | Noun | A1 | camicia |
2388 | shock | Noun Verb | B2 | shock |
2389 | shocked | Adjective | B2 | scioccato |
2390 | shoe | Noun | A1 | scarpa |
2391 | shoot | Verb | B1 | sparare |
2392 | shooting | Noun | B2 | tiro |
2393 | shop | Noun Verb | A1 | negozio |
2394 | shopping | Noun | A1 | shopping |
2395 | short | Adjective | A1 | corto |
2396 | shot | Noun | B2 | tiro |
2397 | should | modal Verb | A1 | dovrebbero |
2398 | shoulder | Noun | A2 | spalla |
2399 | shout | Verb Noun | A2 | grido |
2400 | show | Verb Noun | A1 | mostrare |
2401 | shower | Noun | A1 | doccia |
2402 | shut | Verb Adjective | A2 | chiuso |
2403 | shy | Adjective | B1 | timido |
2404 | sick | Adjective | A1 | malato |
2405 | side | Noun | A2 | lato |
2406 | sight | Noun | B1 | vista |
2407 | sign | Noun Verb | A2 | cartello |
2408 | signal | Noun Verb | B1 | segnale |
2409 | significant | Adjective | B2 | significativo |
2410 | significantly | Adverb | B2 | in modo significativo |
2411 | silence | Noun | B2 | silenzio |
2412 | silent | Adjective | B1 | silenzioso |
2413 | silk | Noun | B2 | seta |
2414 | silly | Adjective | B1 | sciocco |
2415 | silver | Noun Adjective | A2 | argento |
2416 | similar | Adjective | A1 | simile |
2417 | similarity | Noun | B1 | somiglianza |
2418 | similarly | Adverb | B1 | allo stesso modo |
2419 | simple | Adjective | A2 | semplice |
2420 | simply | Adverb | B1 | semplicemente |
2421 | since | prep. conj., Adverb | A2, B1 | da |
2422 | sincere | Adjective | B2 | sincero |
2423 | sing | Verb | A1 | cantare |
2424 | singer | Noun | A1 | cantante |
2425 | singing | Noun | A2 | cantando |
2426 | single | Adjective Noun | A2 | singolo |
2427 | sink | Verb | B1 | Lavello |
2428 | sir | Noun | A2 | signore |
2429 | sister | Noun | A1 | sorella |
2430 | sit | Verb | A1 | sedersi |
2431 | site | Noun | A2 | posto |
2432 | situation | Noun | A1 | situazione |
2433 | six | number | A1 | sei |
2434 | sixteen | number | A1 | sedici |
2435 | sixty | number | A1 | sessanta |
2436 | size | Noun | A2 | taglia |
2437 | ski | Verb Noun | A2 | sciare |
2438 | skiing | Noun | A2 | sciare |
2439 | skill | Noun | A1 | abilità |
2440 | skin | Noun | A2 | pelle |
2441 | skirt | Noun | A1 | gonna |
2442 | sky | Noun | A2 | cielo |
2443 | slave | Noun | B2 | schiavo |
2444 | sleep | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | dormire |
2445 | slice | Noun Verb | B1 | fetta |
2446 | slide | Verb Noun | B2 | diapositiva |
2447 | slight | Adjective | B2 | leggero |
2448 | slightly | Adverb | B1 | leggermente |
2449 | slip | Verb | B2 | scivolare |
2450 | slope | Noun Verb | B2 | pendenza |
2451 | slow | Adjective , Verb | A1, B1 | lento |
2452 | slowly | Adverb | A2 | lentamente |
2453 | small | Adjective | A1 | piccolo |
2454 | smart | Adjective | B1 | inteligente |
2455 | smartphone | Noun | A2 | smartphone |
2456 | smell | Verb Noun | A2 | odore |
2457 | smile | Verb Noun | A2 | Sorridi |
2458 | smoke | Noun Verb | A2 | Fumo |
2459 | smoking | Noun | A2 | fumo |
2460 | smooth | Adjective | B1 | liscio |
2461 | snake | Noun | A1 | serpente |
2462 | snow | Noun Verb | A1 | neve |
2463 | so | Adverb conj. | A1 | così |
2464 | soap | Noun | A2 | sapone |
2465 | soccer | Noun | A2 | calcio |
2466 | social | Adjective | A2 | sociale |
2467 | society | Noun | A2 | società |
2468 | sock | Noun | A2 | calzino |
2469 | soft | Adjective | A2 | morbido |
2470 | software | Noun | B1 | Software |
2471 | soil | Noun | B1 | suolo |
2472 | solar | Adjective | B2 | solare |
2473 | soldier | Noun | A2 | soldato |
2474 | solid | Adjective Noun | B1 | solido |
2475 | solution | Noun | A2 | soluzione |
2476 | solve | Verb | A2 | risolvere |
2477 | some | det. proNoun | A1 | alcuni |
2478 | somebody | proNoun | A1 | qualcuno |
2479 | someone | proNoun | A1 | qualcuno |
2480 | something | proNoun | A1 | qualcosa |
2481 | sometimes | Adverb | A1 | qualche volta |
2482 | somewhat | Adverb | B2 | piuttosto |
2483 | somewhere | Adverb proNoun | A2 | da qualche parte |
2484 | son | Noun | A1 | figlio |
2485 | song | Noun | A1 | canzone |
2486 | soon | Adverb | A1 | presto |
2487 | sorry | Adjective exclam. | A1 | spiacente |
2488 | sort | Noun, Verb | A2, B1 | ordinare |
2489 | soul | Noun | B2 | anima |
2490 | sound | Noun Verb | A1 | suono |
2491 | soup | Noun | A1 | la minestra |
2492 | source | Noun | A2 | fonte |
2493 | south | Noun Adjective Adverb | A1 | Sud |
2494 | southern | Adjective | B1 | meridionale |
2495 | space | Noun | A1 | spazio |
2496 | speak | Verb | A1 | parlare |
2497 | speaker | Noun | A2 | altoparlante |
2498 | special | Adjective | A1 | speciale |
2499 | specialist | Noun Adjective | B2 | specialista |
2500 | species | Noun | B2 | specie |
2501 | specific | Adjective | A2 | specifico |
2502 | specifically | Adverb | B1 | specificamente |
2503 | speech | Noun | A2 | discorso |
2504 | speed | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | velocità |
2505 | spell | Verb | A1 | sillabare |
2506 | spelling | Noun | A1 | ortografia |
2507 | spend | Verb | A1 | trascorrere |
2508 | spending | Noun | B1 | la spesa |
2509 | spicy | Adjective | B1 | speziato |
2510 | spider | Noun | A2 | ragno |
2511 | spirit | Noun | B1 | spirito |
2512 | spiritual | Adjective | B2 | spirituale |
2513 | split | Verb Noun | B2 | Diviso |
2514 | spoken | Adjective | B1 | parlato |
2515 | sponsor | Verb Noun | B2 | sponsor |
2516 | spoon | Noun | A2 | cucchiaio |
2517 | sport | Noun | A1 | sport |
2518 | spot | Noun, Verb | B1, B2 | individuare |
2519 | spread | Verb , Noun | B1, B2 | diffusione |
2520 | spring | Noun, Verb | A1, B1 | primavera |
2521 | square | Adjective Noun | A2 | piazza |
2522 | stable | Adjective | B2 | stabile |
2523 | stadium | Noun | B1 | stadio |
2524 | staff | Noun | B1 | personale |
2525 | stage | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | palcoscenico |
2526 | stair | Noun | A2 | scala |
2527 | stamp | Noun | A2 | francobollo |
2528 | stand | Verb , Noun | A1, B2 | In piedi |
2529 | standard | Noun Adjective | B1 | standard |
2530 | star | Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | stella |
2531 | stare | Verb | B2 | sguardo fisso |
2532 | start | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | inizio |
2533 | state | Noun, Adjective , v | A2, B1 | stato |
2534 | statement | Noun | A1 | dichiarazione |
2535 | station | Noun | A1 | stazione |
2536 | statistic | Noun | B1 | statistico |
2537 | statue | Noun | B1 | statua |
2538 | status | Noun | B2 | stato |
2539 | stay | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | restare |
2540 | steady | Adjective | B2 | costante |
2541 | steal | Verb | A2 | rubare |
2542 | steel | Noun | B2 | acciaio |
2543 | steep | Adjective | B2 | ripido |
2544 | step | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | passo |
2545 | stick (push into/attach) | Verb | B1 | bastone (push in / attach) |
2546 | stick (piece of wood) | Noun | B1 | bastone (pezzo di legno) |
2547 | sticky | Adjective | B2 | appiccicoso |
2548 | stiff | Adjective | B2 | rigido |
2549 | still | Adverb , Adjective | A1, B1 | ancora |
2550 | stock | Noun | B2 | azione |
2551 | stomach | Noun | A2 | stomaco |
2552 | stone | Noun | A2 | calcolo |
2553 | stop | Verb Noun | A1 | fermare |
2554 | store | Noun, Verb | A2, B1 | negozio |
2555 | storm | Noun | A2 | tempesta |
2556 | story | Noun | A1 | storia |
2557 | straight | Adverb Adjective | A2 | dritto |
2558 | strange | Adjective | A2 | strano |
2559 | stranger | Noun | B1 | sconosciuto |
2560 | strategy | Noun | A2 | strategia |
2561 | stream | Noun | B2 | ruscello |
2562 | street | Noun | A1 | strada |
2563 | strength | Noun | B1 | forza |
2564 | stress | Noun Verb | A2 | fatica |
2565 | stretch | Verb Noun | B2 | allungare |
2566 | strict | Adjective | B2 | rigoroso |
2567 | strike | Verb Noun | B2 | sciopero |
2568 | string | Noun | B1 | corda |
2569 | strong | Adjective | A1 | forte |
2570 | strongly | Adverb | B1 | fortemente |
2571 | structure | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | struttura |
2572 | struggle | Verb Noun | B2 | lotta |
2573 | student | Noun | A1 | alunno |
2574 | studio | Noun | B1 | studio |
2575 | study | Noun Verb | A1 | studia |
2576 | stuff | Noun, Verb | B1, B2 | cose |
2577 | stupid | Adjective | A2 | stupido |
2578 | style | Noun | A1 | stile |
2579 | subject | Noun, Adjective | A1, B2 | soggetto |
2580 | submit | Verb | B2 | Invia |
2581 | substance | Noun | B1 | sostanza |
2582 | succeed | Verb | A2 | avere successo |
2583 | success | Noun | A1 | successo |
2584 | successful | Adjective | A2 | riuscito |
2585 | successfully | Adverb | B1 | con successo |
2586 | such | det./proNoun | A2 | come |
2587 | sudden | Adjective | B1 | improvviso |
2588 | suddenly | Adverb | A2 | ad un tratto |
2589 | suffer | Verb | B1 | soffrire |
2590 | sugar | Noun | A1 | zucchero |
2591 | suggest | Verb | A2 | suggerire |
2592 | suggestion | Noun | A2 | suggerimento |
2593 | suit | Noun, Verb | A2, B1 | completo da uomo |
2594 | suitable | Adjective | B1 | adatto |
2595 | sum | Noun Verb | B2 | somma |
2596 | summarize | Verb | B1 | ricapitolare |
2597 | summary | Noun | B1 | sommario |
2598 | summer | Noun | A1 | estate |
2599 | sun | Noun | A1 | sole |
2600 | Sunday | Noun | A1 | Domenica |
2601 | supermarket | Noun | A1 | supermercato |
2602 | supply | Noun Verb | B1 | fornitura |
2603 | support | Verb Noun | A2 | supporto |
2604 | supporter | Noun | B1 | sostenitore |
2605 | suppose | Verb | A2 | supporre |
2606 | sure | Adjective , Adverb | A1, A2 | sicuro |
2607 | surely | Adverb | B1 | certamente |
2608 | surface | Noun | B1 | superficie |
2609 | surgery | Noun | B2 | chirurgia |
2610 | surprise | Noun Verb | A2 | sorpresa |
2611 | surprised | Adjective | A2 | sorpreso |
2612 | surprising | Adjective | A2 | sorprendente |
2613 | surround | Verb | B2 | circondare |
2614 | surrounding | Adjective | B2 | circostante |
2615 | survey | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | sondaggio |
2616 | survive | Verb | B1 | sopravvivere |
2617 | suspect | Verb Noun | B2 | sospettare |
2618 | swear | Verb | B2 | giurare |
2619 | sweater | Noun | A1 | maglione |
2620 | sweep | Verb | B2 | spazzare |
2621 | sweet | Adjective Noun | A2 | dolce |
2622 | swim | Verb , Noun | A1, B1 | nuotare |
2623 | swimming | Noun | A1 | nuoto |
2624 | switch | Verb , Noun | B1, B2 | interruttore |
2625 | symbol | Noun | A2 | simbolo |
2626 | sympathy | Noun | B2 | simpatia |
2627 | symptom | Noun | B1 | sintomo |
2628 | system | Noun | A2 | sistema |
2629 | table | Noun | A1 | tavolo |
2630 | tablet | Noun | A2 | tavoletta |
2631 | tail | Noun | B1 | coda |
2632 | take | Verb | A1 | prendere |
2633 | tale | Noun | B2 | racconto |
2634 | talent | Noun | B1 | talento |
2635 | talented | Adjective | B1 | talentuoso |
2636 | talk | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | parlare |
2637 | tall | Adjective | A1 | alto |
2638 | tank | Noun | B2 | serbatoio |
2639 | tape | Noun | B1 | nastro |
2640 | target | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | bersaglio |
2641 | task | Noun | A2 | compito |
2642 | taste | Noun Verb | A2 | gusto |
2643 | tax | Noun Verb | B1 | imposta |
2644 | taxi | Noun | A1 | Taxi |
2645 | tea | Noun | A1 | tè |
2646 | teach | Verb | A1 | insegnare |
2647 | teacher | Noun | A1 | insegnante |
2648 | teaching | Noun | A2 | insegnamento |
2649 | team | Noun | A1 | squadra |
2650 | tear1 | Verb Noun | B2 | tear1 |
2651 | tear2 | Noun | B2 | tear2 |
2652 | technical | Adjective | B1 | tecnico |
2653 | technique | Noun | B1 | tecnica |
2654 | technology | Noun | A2 | tecnologia |
2655 | teenage | Adjective | A2 | adolescenziale |
2656 | teenager | Noun | A1 | adolescente |
2657 | telephone | Noun Verb | A1 | telefono |
2658 | television | Noun | A1 | televisione |
2659 | tell | Verb | A1 | raccontare |
2660 | temperature | Noun | A2 | temperatura |
2661 | temporary | Adjective | B2 | temporaneo |
2662 | ten | number | A1 | dieci |
2663 | tend | Verb | B1 | tendere |
2664 | tennis | Noun | A1 | tennis |
2665 | tent | Noun | B1 | tenda |
2666 | term | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | termine |
2667 | terrible | Adjective | A1 | terribile |
2668 | test | Noun Verb | A1 | test |
2669 | text | Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | testo |
2670 | than | conj. | A1 | di |
2671 | thank | Verb | A1 | grazie |
2672 | thanks | exclam. Noun | A1 | Grazie |
2673 | that | det. proNoun conj., Adverb | A1, B1 | quello |
2674 | the | definite article | A1 | il |
2675 | theatre | Noun | A1 | Teatro |
2676 | their | det. | A1 | loro |
2677 | theirs | proNoun | B1 | il loro |
2678 | them | proNoun | A1 | loro |
2679 | theme | Noun | B1 | tema |
2680 | themselves | proNoun | A2 | loro stessi |
2681 | then | Adverb | A1 | poi |
2682 | theory | Noun | B1 | teoria |
2683 | therapy | Noun | B2 | terapia |
2684 | there | Adverb | A1 | Là |
2685 | therefore | Adverb | B1 | perciò |
2686 | they | proNoun | A1 | essi |
2687 | thick | Adjective | A2 | di spessore |
2688 | thief | Noun | A2 | ladro |
2689 | thin | Adjective | A2 | magro |
2690 | thing | Noun | A1 | cosa |
2691 | think | Verb | A1 | pensare |
2692 | thinking | Noun | A2 | pensiero |
2693 | third | number, Noun | A1, A2 | terzo |
2694 | thirsty | Adjective | A1 | assetato |
2695 | thirteen | number | A1 | tredici |
2696 | thirty | number | A1 | trenta |
2697 | this | det./proNoun, Adverb | A1, B1 | Questo |
2698 | though | conj. Adverb | B1 | anche se |
2699 | thought | Noun | A2 | pensiero |
2700 | thousand | number | A1 | mille |
2701 | threat | Noun | B2 | minaccia |
2702 | threaten | Verb | B2 | minacciare |
2703 | three | number | A1 | tre |
2704 | throat | Noun | B1 | gola |
2705 | through | prep. Adverb | A1 | attraverso |
2706 | throughout | prep./Adverb | B1 | per tutto |
2707 | throw | Verb | A2 | gettare |
2708 | Thursday | Noun | A1 | giovedi |
2709 | thus | Adverb | B2 | così |
2710 | ticket | Noun | A1 | biglietto |
2711 | tidy | Adjective v | A2 | ordinato |
2712 | tie | Verb Noun | A2 | cravatta |
2713 | tight | Adjective | B1 | stretto |
2714 | till | conj./prep. | B1 | fino |
2715 | time | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | tempo |
2716 | tin | Noun | B1 | lattina |
2717 | tiny | Adjective | B1 | minuscolo |
2718 | tip | Noun, Verb | A2, B1 | mancia |
2719 | tired | Adjective | A1 | stanco |
2720 | title | Noun | A1, B2 | titolo |
2721 | to | prep., infinitive marker | A1 | per |
2722 | today | Adverb Noun | A1 | oggi |
2723 | toe | Noun | B1 | dito del piede |
2724 | together | Adverb | A1 | insieme |
2725 | toilet | Noun | A1 | gabinetto |
2726 | tomato | Noun | A1 | pomodoro |
2727 | tomorrow | Adverb Noun | A1 | Domani |
2728 | tone | Noun | B2 | tono |
2729 | tongue | Noun | B1 | lingua |
2730 | tonight | Adverb n | A1 | stasera |
2731 | too | Adverb | A1 | pure |
2732 | tool | Noun | A2 | attrezzo |
2733 | tooth | Noun | A1 | dente |
2734 | top | Noun, Adjective | A2 | superiore |
2735 | topic | Noun | A1 | argomento |
2736 | total | Adjective Noun | B1 | totale |
2737 | totally | Adverb | B1 | totalmente |
2738 | touch | Verb , Noun | A2, B1 | toccare |
2739 | tough | Adjective | B2 | difficile |
2740 | tour | Noun, Verb | A2, B1 | giro |
2741 | tourism | Noun | A2 | turismo |
2742 | tourist | Noun | A1 | turista |
2743 | towards | prep. | A2 | in direzione |
2744 | towel | Noun | A2 | asciugamano |
2745 | tower | Noun | A2 | Torre |
2746 | town | Noun | A1 | cittadina |
2747 | toy | Noun, Adjective | A2 | giocattolo |
2748 | track | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | traccia |
2749 | trade | Noun, Verb | B1 | commercio |
2750 | tradition | Noun | A2 | tradizione |
2751 | traditional | Adjective | A2 | tradizionale |
2752 | traffic | Noun | A1 | traffico |
2753 | train | Noun, Verb | A1, A2 | treno |
2754 | trainer | Noun | A2 | allenatore |
2755 | training | Noun | A2 | formazione |
2756 | transfer | Verb Noun | B2 | trasferimento |
2757 | transform | Verb | B2 | trasformare |
2758 | transition | Noun | B2 | transizione |
2759 | translate | Verb | B1 | tradurre |
2760 | translation | Noun | B1 | traduzione |
2761 | transport | Noun, Verb | A2, B1 | trasporto |
2762 | travel | Verb Noun | A1 | viaggio |
2763 | traveller | Noun | A2 | viaggiatore |
2764 | treat | Verb | B1 | trattare |
2765 | treatment | Noun | B1 | trattamento |
2766 | tree | Noun | A1 | albero |
2767 | trend | Noun | B1 | tendenza |
2768 | trial | Noun | B2 | prova |
2769 | trick | Noun Verb | B1 | trucco |
2770 | trip | Noun, Verb | A1, B2 | viaggio |
2771 | tropical | Adjective | B2 | tropicale |
2772 | trouble | Noun, Verb | A2, B2 | guaio |
2773 | trousers | Noun | A1 | i pantaloni |
2774 | truck | Noun | A2 | camion |
2775 | TRUE | Adjective | A1 | VERO |
2776 | truly | Adverb | B2 | veramente |
2777 | trust | Noun Verb | B2 | fiducia |
2778 | truth | Noun | B1 | verità |
2779 | try | Verb , Noun | A1, B2 | provare |
2780 | T-shirt | Noun | A1 | Maglietta |
2781 | tube | Noun | B1 | tubo |
2782 | Tuesday | Noun | A1 | martedì |
2783 | tune | Noun | B2 | sintonizzare |
2784 | tunnel | Noun | B2 | tunnel |
2785 | turn | Verb Noun | A1 | girare |
2786 | TV | Noun | A1 | tv |
2787 | twelve | number | A1 | dodici |
2788 | twenty | number | A1 | venti |
2789 | twice | Adverb | A1 | due volte |
2790 | twin | Noun Adjective | A2 | gemello |
2791 | two | number | A1 | Due |
2792 | type | Noun, Verb | A1, B1 | genere |
2793 | typical | Adjective | A2 | tipico |
2794 | typically | Adverb | B1 | tipicamente |
2795 | tyre | Noun | B1 | pneumatico |
2796 | ugly | Adjective | B1 | brutta |
2797 | ultimately | Adverb | B2 | in definitiva |
2798 | umbrella | Noun | A1 | ombrello |
2799 | unable | Adjective | B1 | incapace |
2800 | uncle | Noun | A1 | zio |
2801 | uncomfortable | Adjective | B1 | scomodo |
2802 | unconscious | Adjective | B2 | inconscio |
2803 | under | prep. Adj | A1 | sotto |
2804 | underground | Adjective Adverb | A2 | metropolitana |
2805 | understand | Verb | A1 | capire |
2806 | understanding | Noun | A2 | comprensione |
2807 | underwear | Noun | B1 | biancheria intima |
2808 | unemployed | Adjective | B1 | disoccupato |
2809 | unemployment | Noun | B1 | disoccupazione |
2810 | unexpected | Adjective | B2 | inaspettato |
2811 | unfair | Adjective | B1 | sleale |
2812 | unfortunately | Adverb | A2 | Sfortunatamente |
2813 | unhappy | Adjective | A2 | infelice |
2814 | uniform | Noun | A2 | uniforme |
2815 | union | Noun | B1 | unione |
2816 | unique | Adjective | B2 | unico |
2817 | unit | Noun | A2 | unità |
2818 | united | Adjective | A2 | unito |
2819 | universe | Noun | B2 | universo |
2820 | university | Noun | A1 | Università |
2821 | unknown | Adjective | B2 | sconosciuto |
2822 | unless | conj. | B1 | salvo che |
2823 | unlike | prep. | B1 | diversamente da |
2824 | unlikely | Adjective | B1 | improbabile |
2825 | unnecessary | Adjective | B1 | non necessario |
2826 | unpleasant | Adjective | B1 | sgradevole |
2827 | until | conj./prep. | A1 | fino a |
2828 | unusual | Adjective | A2 | insolito |
2829 | up | Adverb proNoun | A1 | su |
2830 | update | Verb Noun | B1 | aggiornare |
2831 | upon | prep. | B1 | su |
2832 | upper | Adjective | B2 | superiore |
2833 | upset | Adjective v | B1 | irritato |
2834 | upstairs | Adverb , Adjective | A1, A2 | di sopra |
2835 | upwards | Adverb | B2 | verso l'alto |
2836 | urban | Adjective | B2 | urbano |
2837 | urge | Verb | B2 | stimolo |
2838 | us | proNoun | A1 | noi |
2839 | use | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | uso |
2840 | used | Adjective | B1 | Usato |
2841 | used to | modal Verb | A2 | abituato a |
2842 | useful | Adjective | A1 | utile |
2843 | user | Noun | A2 | utente |
2844 | usual | Adjective | A2 | solito |
2845 | usually | Adverb | A1 | generalmente |
2846 | vacation | Noun | A1 | vacanza |
2847 | valley | Noun | A2 | valle |
2848 | valuable | Adjective | B1 | prezioso |
2849 | value | Noun, Verb | B1, B2 | valore |
2850 | van | Noun | A2 | furgone |
2851 | variety | Noun | A2 | varietà |
2852 | various | Adjective | B1 | vario |
2853 | vary | Verb | B2 | variare |
2854 | vast | Adjective | B2 | vasto |
2855 | vegetable | Noun | A1 | verdura |
2856 | vehicle | Noun | A2 | veicolo |
2857 | venue | Noun | B2 | sede |
2858 | version | Noun | B1 | versione |
2859 | very | Adverb , Adjective | A1, B1 | molto |
2860 | via | prep. | B2 | attraverso |
2861 | victim | Noun | B1 | vittima |
2862 | victory | Noun | B2 | vittoria |
2863 | video | Noun | A1 | video |
2864 | view | Noun, Verb | A2, | Visualizza |
2865 | viewer | Noun | B1 | spettatore |
2866 | village | Noun | A1 | villaggio |
2867 | violence | Noun | B2 | violenza |
2868 | violent | Adjective | B1 | violento |
2869 | virtual | Adjective | B2 | virtuale |
2870 | virus | Noun | A2 | virus |
2871 | vision | Noun | B2 | visione |
2872 | visit | Verb Noun | A1 | visitare |
2873 | visitor | Noun | A1 | visitatore |
2874 | visual | Adjective | B2 | visivo |
2875 | vital | Adjective | B2 | vitale |
2876 | vitamin | Noun | B2 | vitamina |
2877 | voice | Noun | A2 | voce |
2878 | volume | Noun | B2 | volume |
2879 | volunteer | Noun Verb | B1 | volontario |
2880 | vote | Noun Verb | B1 | votazione |
2881 | wage | Noun | B2 | salario |
2882 | wait | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | aspettare |
2883 | waiter | Noun | A1 | Cameriere |
2884 | wake | Verb | A1 | scia |
2885 | walk | Verb Noun | A1 | camminare |
2886 | wall | Noun | A1 | parete |
2887 | want | Verb | A1 | volere |
2888 | war | Noun | A2 | guerra |
2889 | warm | Adjective , v | A1, B1 | caldo |
2890 | warn | Verb | B1 | avvisare |
2891 | warning | Noun | B1 | avvertimento |
2892 | wash | Verb , Noun | A1, A2 | lavaggio |
2893 | washing | Noun | A2 | lavaggio |
2894 | waste | Noun v, Adjective | B1 | rifiuto |
2895 | watch | Verb Noun | A1 | orologio |
2896 | water | Noun, Verb | A1, B1 | acqua |
2897 | wave | Noun | A2, B1 | onda |
2898 | way | Noun | A1, B2 | modo |
2899 | we | proNoun | A1 | noi |
2900 | weak | Adjective | A2 | debole |
2901 | weakness | Noun | B2 | debolezza |
2902 | wealth | Noun | B2 | ricchezza |
2903 | wealthy | Adjective | B2 | ricco |
2904 | weapon | Noun | B1 | arma |
2905 | wear | Verb | A1 | indossare |
2906 | weather | Noun | A1 | tempo metereologico |
2907 | web | Noun | A2 | ragnatela |
2908 | website | Noun | A1 | sito web |
2909 | wedding | Noun | A2 | nozze |
2910 | Wednesday | Noun | A1 | mercoledì |
2911 | week | Noun | A1 | settimana |
2912 | weekend | Noun | A1 | fine settimana |
2913 | weigh | Verb | B1 | pesare |
2914 | weight | Noun | A2 | peso |
2915 | welcome | exclam. Verb Adjective , n | A1, A2 | benvenuto |
2916 | well | Adverb , Adjective , exclam. | A1 | bene |
2917 | west | Noun Adjective Adverb | A1 | ovest |
2918 | western | Adjective | B1 | occidentale |
2919 | wet | Adjective | A2 | bagnato |
2920 | what | proNoun/det. | A1 | che cosa |
2921 | whatever | det./proNoun | B1 | qualunque cosa |
2922 | wheel | Noun | A2 | ruota |
2923 | when | Adverb proNounconj. | A1 | quando |
2924 | whenever | conj. | B1 | ogni volta |
2925 | where | Adverb conj. | A1 | dove |
2926 | whereas | conj. | B2 | mentre |
2927 | wherever | conj. | B2 | dovunque |
2928 | whether | conj. | B1 | se |
2929 | which | proNoun/det. | A1 | quale |
2930 | while | conj., Noun | A2, B1 | mentre |
2931 | whisper | Verb Noun | B2 | sussurro |
2932 | white | Adjective Noun | A1 | bianca |
2933 | who | proNoun | A1 | Oms |
2934 | whole | Adjective , n | A2, B1 | totale |
2935 | whom | proNoun | B2 | chi |
2936 | whose | det./proNoun | A2 | di chi |
2937 | why | Adverb | A1 | perché |
2938 | wide | Adjective | A2 | largo |
2939 | widely | Adverb | B2 | ampiamente |
2940 | wife | Noun | A1 | moglie |
2941 | wild | Adjective | A2 | selvaggio |
2942 | wildlife | Noun | B2 | natura |
2943 | will | modal, Noun Verb | A1, | volere |
2944 | willing | Adjective | B2 | disposto |
2945 | win | Verb , Noun | A1, B1 | vincere |
2946 | wind1 | Noun | A2 | wind1 |
2947 | wind2 | Verb | B2 | wind2 |
2948 | window | Noun | A1 | finestra |
2949 | wine | Noun | A1 | vino |
2950 | wing | Noun | B1 | ala |
2951 | winner | Noun | A2 | vincitore |
2952 | winter | Noun | A1 | inverno |
2953 | wire | Noun | B2 | filo |
2954 | wise | Adjective | B2 | saggio |
2955 | wish | Verb Noun | A2 | desiderio |
2956 | with | prep. | A1 | con |
2957 | within | prep. | B1 | entro |
2958 | without | prep. | A1 | senza |
2959 | witness | Noun Verb | B2 | testimone |
2960 | woman | Noun | A1 | donna |
2961 | wonder | Verb Noun | B1 | Meraviglia |
2962 | wonderful | Adjective | A1 | meraviglioso |
2963 | wood | Noun | A2 | legna |
2964 | wooden | Adjective | A2 | di legno |
2965 | wool | Noun | B1 | lana |
2966 | word | Noun | A1 | parola |
2967 | work | Verb Noun | A1 | lavoro |
2968 | worker | Noun | A1 | lavoratore |
2969 | working | Adjective | A2 | Lavorando |
2970 | world | Noun | A1 | mondo |
2971 | worldwide | Adjective Adverb | B1 | In tutto il mondo |
2972 | worried | Adjective | A2 | preoccupato |
2973 | worry | Verb Noun | A2, B1 | preoccupazione |
2974 | worse | Adjective, AdVerb Noun | A2,B1, B2 | peggio |
2975 | worst | Adjective, AdVerb | A2,B1, B2 | peggio |
2976 | worth | Adjective, Noun | B1, B2 | di valore |
2977 | would | modal, Verb | A1 | voluto |
2978 | wound | Noun Verb | B2 | ferita |
2979 | wow | exclam. | A2 | Wow |
2980 | wrap | Verv | B2 | avvolgere |
2981 | write | Verb | A1 | Scrivi |
2982 | writer | Noun | A1 | scrittore |
2983 | writing | Noun | A1 | scrittura |
2984 | written | Adjective | B1 | scritto |
2985 | wrong | Adjective, AdVerb Noun | A1, B1, B2 | sbagliato |
2986 | yard | Noun | B1 | cortile |
2987 | yeah | exclam. | A1 | si |
2988 | year | Noun | A1 | anno |
2989 | yellow | Adjective, Noun | A1 | giallo |
2990 | yes | exclam. | A1 | sì |
2991 | yesterday | AdVerb Noun | A1 | ieri |
2992 | yet | AdVerb conj. | A2, B2 | ancora |
2993 | you | proNoun | A1 | tu |
2994 | young | Adjective, Noun | A1, B1 | giovane |
2995 | your | det. | A1 | il tuo |
2996 | yours | proNoun | A2 | il tuo |
2997 | yourself | proNoun | A1 | te stesso |
2998 | youth | Noun | B1 | gioventù |
2999 | zero | number | A2 | zero |
3000 | zone | Noun | B2 | zona |